
10 points made easy!! Can you answer these?

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1). List two seed adaptations and explain how their structure aids in dispersing the seeds. (Answer with the best explination gets the 10 points)

2). Which of the following is the process where bacteria convert nitrogen gas from the atmosphere into a usable form for plants?

a. Nitration

b. Nitrogen fixation

c. Ammonium converter

d. None of the above

3). The ____________ kingdom contains common type of bacteria, like the ones that live in your mouth

a. Viral

b. Achaebacteria

c. Eubacteria

d. None of the above




  1. 2) Nitrogen Fixation

  2. b


  3. 1. One is that they have a hard cover (usually) making them durable, which gives them better percent of getting into the ground.  Another is that some have evolved to fit their surrounding, like the one sticky seed that sticks to the fur of animals and gets dispersed that way.  

    2. B

    3. C

  4. One advantage is that some plants have their seeds contained inside of a fruit.  The seeds (inside of the fruit) is then eaten by an animal and later pooped out far away from the mother plant. This allows the seeds to grow without the compition of the stronger mature mother plant. Possiblity in the new place their will sun, water, and nutrious soil. In the old place the seed may of never gotten a chance since the mother plant would probably have gotten all these thing.  

    A second advantage is wind dispersal. Some plants insted of having animals spread their seed have the wind( a more dependable resource). The seeds of course  need to be aerodynamic  so they be  easily spread. Some types of aerodynamic seeds are called glider, parachutes, helicopters etcs. As seeds become more and more mature they detach  from the mother plant and later are carried by the wind  to a random location where hopfully their will be less competition.



  5. 2) B

    3) D - Kingdom Monera

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