
10 points petrol alternatives?

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is it true that there are alternative to oil but oil companies pay the scientists off to keep their mouth shut and Govt's underfund these scientists

or is it a conspiracy




  1. Partially true. US government spends about $300k for year for exploring alternative sources of energy  like wind and solar energy. That much amount Pentagon spends  an hour .

  2. if that was true the scientist would probably be smart enought not to take the hush hush money because they'd make more by creating something completely oil-independent! And everyone talks about oil like it's a bad thing! It's not man-made at all and it completely natural! Mother-nature is begging us to take it from her!

  3. Its not true! There are alternatives to oil - this is true. But again the truth is these alternatives are of no advantage when compared to the oil itself which is still available.

    We have Water car (specifically hydrogen car) which is a d**n real fact but it will take a few years before everyone of us will be having it at our own disposal.

    We are developing and before the oil completely runs out we will certainly have another alternative fully functional and smooth going.

  4. Nothing is as hard to keep as a secret.  If I had an alternative to gas that was so good, the oil companies would NOT pay me to keep it off the market.  What they would do is to pay me to give them (one particular company) the exclusive rights to it, so that instead of paying $3.60 to get you $4 gas (making 40¢ profit), they'd pay (for instance) $2 to make my wonderful stuff, 10¢ to me in payoff, and sell it to you for $3, putting their competitors out of business, and taking 90¢ for themselves.

    Not only that, but if I file for a patent, then its TOO LATE to stop online publication of the data.

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