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by  |  earlier

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i tried to delete a user account on my computer but it was not responding then i checked the account and it said access denied for desk top and documents what should i do




  1. Try starting in safe mode and log in as administrator.  If you cannot remove it through user accounts try opening a command window (start, run, cmd) and type net user followed by the username followed by /delete

    eg.  net user john /delete

    Then restart.

  2. don&#039;t delect it cause is not your account

  3. Try deleting it from another place.

    Control Panel -&gt; Administrative Tools -&gt; Computer Management -&gt; click on &quot;Local Users&quot; on the left field -&gt; subfolder &quot;Users&quot;

    You get a list of all users and if you right-click their properties, you can check which are admin-s, which aren&#039;t. Change what you want to delete to ordinary user status and delete it.

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