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Can a group of 3 silver dollars go with three angelfish? Can 5 silver dollars be compatible with three angels? What about just one or two silver dollars with 1-3 angelfish? Is there any way these fish can coexist? Also, how big do silver dollars get?




  1. im not sure.........

    i just want 2 points for answering questions

  2. I know Angel fish are an aggressive breed to each other and to other fish so I'm going to assume there will be fighting whether you mix the 2 fish or not. Silver dollars I think are somewhat aggresive too (tho I'm not entirely sure) so this could be a bad mix. Angel fish have thin fins and are easy to tear when they fight.... I wouldn't mix them if I were you.

  3. I am not sure how big silverdollars get but I so know that they are good tank-mates for angelfish. I bought a small angelfish last nigt so I was researching other fish that it would be compatiable with and siler dollars are an excellent choice. danios and female bettas also may be good.

  4. taken from webside (pls refer source);

    From: Andrew Mowbray


    I've read alot of comments about it being foolish to put live plants in with silver dollars but I place live plants in my 90 gal tank specifically for my silver dollars. I have two very large SD's and they do like my plants but they never ruin them or completely devour them, in fact I feel it is worth the small investment to give them a large variety of thing to nibble on. I also have a few large angel fish in with them who are extremely aggressive, however the SD's always seem to hold their own and are never intimidated. I do appreciate learning new things about my fish but I also must say I find all fish to have individual needs even within their own.

  5. Either one Angel to an aquarium or more than 3. Angels are Cichlids and like most Cichlids, if you keep just 2 or 3 in the same aquarium, the strongest one will make the others miserable. Angels do very well in a group with 6 or more Angels in a large aquarium with at least 50 gallons of water that is at least 18" deep.

    Here is a list of tropical fish that are usually compatible with Angel Fish: Silver Dollars, Bigger Tetras such as Black Skirts, Serpaes, and Silver Tips, Corydoras Catfish, Livebearers such as Platies, Swordtails, and Mollies, but not Guppies which may be eaten by Angels, and one Plecostomus Catfish.

    Angel Fish are often seen in aquariums with Gouramis, Giant Danios, Rainbows, a group of Bala Sharks, and a group of Clown Loaches.

    As Angel Fish grow larger, they become very efficient at stalking and eating small fish like Guppies and Neon Tetras. So they are not compatible tank mates for these fish.

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