
10 points to best answer with 5 stars...Please help...?

by Guest59559  |  earlier

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I have been trying to find a job since May 2006...I was graduated from university in 2005...I could not look for job almost 1 year after finishing college...

Then, I worked several temporary jobs that is not related to my profession...Totally 5-6 months I have experience...Yes really...

Then I found a job of my dreams...But I quited from there too...

Now human resources specialistsare asking:

What have you been doing for three years?They do not hire me.What can I do?




  1. You need to rework your resume to a skills-based format instead of a chronological resume.

    Minimize the dates - include them but have them in non-bold and after the job description.

    Maximize the skills that each of your temp jobs gave you and list them under each job title.  Give each skill its own bullet point and describe in very short form how you used that skill.

    If you have volunteered ANYWHERE then include it in a volunteer work section and highlight your skills again.  

    On that note, find somewhere to volunteer now and start.  At least then you can say that while you haven't been traditionally employed, you have currently do volunteer and at the same time you are learning new skills and strengthening your existing ones.  Try and aim for volunteer work in your areas of interests.  Volunteer jobs have supervisors and bosses that can be used as work references in a pinch.

    Finally, why did you quit your dream job? Other jobs? What they really want to know is why don't you have a long-term place of employment and will you quit if they take the time to hire you?? How can you convince them that you won't leave in 2 months time? Again, a long-term volunteer position can help you with this.

    Last but not least, if you do get a position soon, stick with it for a year or longer even if it's not ideal.  One year looks good and shows you can and will stick.  Longer is even better.  You can even look for work while you are trying to put in a year - employers like to hire already-employed people.

    Good luck.

  2. Well you can always go to another Human Resources building,or try to convince the manager of the current building that your HR material!

  3. Why dont you go for 'self-employment' instead of searching for jobs.

    There are several govt. aided self employment schemes from which you can choose.You will also be provided the literature and very cheap loans for implementation.

    Best wishes,

  4. self-emp

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