
10 points to the most honest and blunt answer!?

by  |  earlier

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i want to see how honest u ladies are..

i've had my words with some of you, now i want to see what u have to say about this...

NO MATTER ur situation: single, engaged, married, separated, divorced, widowed.. etc




TRUE LOVE? (if so how true???)


or just cuz??

say what u will butt at least leave an honest answer.

you want to know my reason?

me and my fiance have been together 3 1/2 years. We knew we wanted kids together so we figured if it happens, then it happens. 2 months later I find i'm 7 1/2 weeks.

We've yet to tie the knot. cuz we're both scared.

not scared of commitment cuz i see that having a kid is a BIGGER commitment than getting married.

You have a child with someone, ur tied to that person forever.

If you get married, it doesn't work out, you can break up, get a divorce, move on.




  1. i've been with my BF now husband since 2004. never thought about having kids. we got married in 2006. now we are ttc i love him to dead!!!  i want to spend the rest of my life with him. i want him to be the father of  my kids!!! ♥♥

  2. I have children with my husband because I love him, want to have kids, he wants to have kids, divorce isnt an option so al and all it seemed like a great idea!

    If you are commited enough to someone to purposely have children with them and 'be tied to them forever', why not just marry them? You are already commited.

  3. Just question is a lil' confusing tho.

  4. I first got married at 16, because i was a wild child and my sister was tired of me so she signed the papers to let me, my sister had guardianship because my mom had died when i was 12.  the only reason i married him was because i wanted out from my sister.  So I divorced him at 19.  Got remarried to a different guy the same year and we are still married.  I think this is who I am supposed to spend the rest of my life with

  5. Well the reason I had kids is cause they just came!  We had s*x it was unprotected and I got pregnant.

    One was planned.

    Oh well we love them all.

  6. I married my husband because he completes me.  We share common goals, and a lot of love.  He is my best friend.  He 'smooths' my rough edges, if that makes sense.  He has qualities that I lack, and I have some that he lacks.  Together we are stronger then our separate parts.  Also, because he's the only person I could consider having a baby with.

  7. I wanted a baby.

  8. well i have known my sons father for 12 years now  we have been together for 6 of those years that man is my best friend and i love him with all my heart!!! we didnt plan to have a kid when we did but it just happened!!! i can say we truely love eachother and have a great relationship/friendship.

  9. i got married because i was in love and knew i wanted him in my life forever. i got pregnant bc i not only wanted to be a mother, i wanted to have his kids. if you know that having kids is a bigger commitment than marriage, then i guess im curious...what are you scared about?  not being judgemental, just wondering

  10. Cuz i turned 25 and it was time to settle down.  i didnt wanna be 35 unmarried with no kids.  So when i turned 25, i analyzed the person i with, decided he was just fine and i didnt wanna run the risk of lookin for somethin better, never finding that, and him being unavailable later.  So, the rest is history.

  11. i knew a day after our first kiss that we would get married, it wasn't love at first sight but it was love and we were married 14 months later. he is a fireman so there is no money involved there. he is a great companion, he makes me laugh which is the most important thing in a relationship to me. 6 years later we are having our first baby and it seems like the perfect time for us to have gotten married and to have a baby.

    i'm not a fan of people getting marreid because they are having a baby. but to each his own.

  12. I would say well its different for different people but me love and friendship!

  13. My reason for being with my husband was and still is true love.  How true?  It's the truest of love I've ever experienced - I came from divorced parents who had true hate so I'll admit I didn't quite understand true love at first.  But now our love and most importantly our committment is stronger than I ever imagined it could ever be.  We've been married for 7 years now.  We decided to try for kids because we both kept thinking of what a little version of ourselves molded together would be like and because my clock started ticking!  We finally got pregnant and are very excited and somewhat nervous.

    So what is scary about marriage?  Or are you scared about the actual wedding ceremony c**p? I ask that because planning a wedding was the worst experiece I've had.

    Good luck!  And please pick me!

  14. "If you get married, it doesn't work out, you can break up, get a divorce, move on."

    No wonder the divorce rate is so high...... sure, just get a divorce, ignore the vows, they didn't really MEAN anything, did they?  Geez

  15. My answer will be honest and maybe even too blunt. I was addicted to s*x, [direct result of sexual abuse as a child] and I saw him one day. He was soooo s**y! I remember saying to my friend, "I will have my way with him on his mom's couch". We met and I had always wanted a family. On our first "time" he told me he saw his future in my eyes. That's when I knew. We were going to have a family. So  to sum that up...........................

    I wanted a family. I was addicted to s*x, and he was hot!

  16. I actually was divorced twice before I turned 25, at the time, I thought I married for love.....first hubby=first puppy love and "FIRST" ya know, got pregnant, got married, lasted less than 6 months.......second husband=rebound......good guy, but was not ready for marriage again, lasted 3 years, Now to Gary, met him shortly after my divorce, was NOT love at first sight, but fell in love, and I now believe that he is the man that God intended me to be with for the rest of my life. Been together 9 years this month, and married over 2 years! We actually never fight, maybe a disagreement every other month, but other than that, we fit together PERFECT! So I guess what I am saying, Don't get married for love, lust, because your pregnant, or anything else. You marry someone because you feel in your heart of hearts that he IS your soulmate. Good luck, and I hope it all works out for you, and congrats on your baby!

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