
(10 points to whoever answers) What would the ocean look like without water ( read on)?

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I've always wondered.. say you were walking on the coast of some ocean, now imagine that there was no water in the ocean, you would be looking out at a 3-5 mile deep hole in the ground, of course it doesn't just drop straight off. but that would be kinda cool... if anyone would take the time to post some links that might show a picture of this, please do so.




  1. it would look like a desert, exactly like a desert

  2. Go look at pictures on the Mogollon Rim (a.k.a. Plateau) in Arizona.  That is exactly what that is.  The top of the Mogolllon Rim (Flagstaff area) was an ancient seashore.  As the land and water levels changed the area we know of as the desert southwest emerged.  It's very cool to go to Sedona, AZ - which would have been under water and look up at what would have been the land - like a billion years ago.

    The bottom of the ocean isn't very different from the land you see around you today - other than the animals and vegetation that is on it.    There are canyons and mountains all sorts of formations you would consider land formations.  For example, the island of Hawaii is actually the tallest mountain in world, several times higher than Everest if you measure from the sea floor.  Of course if you measure Everest from the seafloor, but which sea floor, the math changes.

  3. I have searched the web and cant find any pics or even drawings, but, id imagine, it would be like a sort of huge crater, with ships and fascinating animals still at the bottom.

    This is from the smirnoff vodka advert, and iff you imagined all this debris at the bottom of a vast waterless crater, i think it would look pretty cool

    Hope this helps!!

  4. i guess you could see all the plants and dead fish lol and ya it drops off in places...that would be cool tho cause you could walk across the ocean!

  5. look for links related to tsumanis and hurricanes.

    just before they come ashore the coastal waters are sucked up into them revealing the bottom of the ocean. I would imagine that actual pics are tough to come by because of the danger involved in getting them but if youre good at searching you may find a few.

  6. It would be a whole bunch of sand, coral, rocks, shells, volcanoes(that are supposed to be underwater), trenches, and other miscellaneous things.  It would be very weird not having any water in the ocean though....

  7. it would look something like this.

  8. look up the continental shelves and the mid atlantic ridge as well as the ocean floor. they should give you an overall good idea of the entire layout

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