
10 points to whoever can answer this riddle correctly!!!!!!!?

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i already know the answer for this riddle i just want to see how many people know the answer!!!!!!!

k here it is:

which came first the chicken or the egg?




  1. the chicken cause eggs need a mother to sit on them so they hatch properly....

  2. 2 choice of answers:

    1. Which

    2. The

    Please give the answer soon....

  3. The egg: Dinosaurs layed eggs after all.

  4. the

  5. The chicken...

    You just typed so.

    Lemme quote: "Which came first 'the chicken'...?"

  6. the egg

    eggs existed first

    then the chicken came and existed

    so the eggs came first

  7. lol

  8. well in my opinion

    god created the chicken

    then the chicken created the egg

  9. THE EGG CAME 1ST!!!

    & I know that for a fact! =)

    wooh hoo, 10 point for me =P... I hope...

  10. jimbo came first

  11. chic ... or ... idunno I'm confussed?

  12. God !!!


  13. What came first, the chicken or the egg? This is a philosophical problem that has troubled philosophers and theologians since ancient times. Chickens hatch from eggs, but eggs are laid by chickens, making it difficult to say who comes from whom. Deep questions about how life and the universe began have arisen from this one problem. Aristotle concluded that both the chicken and the egg must have always existed. Famous physicist Stephen Hawking believes the egg came before the chicken, but proponents of theistic evolution state that chicken eggs are how chickens came into being. Believe it or not, this question can often be applied to real-world situations to indicate analytical problems. For example, a fear of a bad economy causes a person to spend less, which reduces demand , which causes a bad economy. Is this philosophical discussion getting to be too much to handle? Then just get this chicken and egg toy to stimulate your mind instead! Squeeze this cool chicken and watch as a weird looking egg pops out! Great for the philosopher in your family or for anyone who wants to get their mind off mind-bending questions for a while

  14. egg

  15. Chicken !!!

  16. the chicken

  17. Chuck Norris

  18. the egg due to evolution. apparently God created dinosaurs and small organisms, not chicken, and then evolution occured and a chicken egg was laid and then BOOM we had chickens.

  19. chicken

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