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I'm doing an animal camp and we're creating pretend animal exhibits and zoos. I was wondering which animals the following animals could be paired with:

-Mountain Lion

-Panda Bear




I am not saying that all the animals above will be in the same exhibit. Just tell me which animals can live with the animals listed above.

thanks in advance!!




  1. Mountain lions by themselves

    panda bears with red panda

    otter with beaver

    giraffe with water buffalo

    bison with pronghorn sheep

  2. None.  Not even in a zoo environment.

  3. mountain lions should probably be by themselves

    giraffes and otters could probably live together.

    giraffes' heads will be up high, while the otters will be low in the water

    bison and panda bears

    they seem like they're chill animals that wouldn't bother one another

  4. giraffe and thomson's gazelle

  5. Nothing with the Mountain Lion

    exotic birds with the Panda

    trout with the otter (for looking at, and also food for the otter)

    Giraffe, Bison, and most other grazers can be together

  6. Mountain Lion + raccoon?

    Giant Panda + Red Panda

    Otter + wolf?

    Giraffe + wildebeest

    Bison + carrier pigeon?

  7. That sounds like alot of FUN!  I wanna do an animal camp.  How can I get involved?  When thinking about animals who could coexist with each other, I consider their habitat first.  Then, a close second, I consider the predator-prey relationship that might exist.  Finally, I would consider the animals behavior. Behavior might include when the animal is most active, how it interacts socially, special circumstances like mating or hibernation, etc.

         Mountain Lions and any other big cat will need to be kept away from other animals because big cats are predators.  Additionally, when in heat they are probably territorial and should not be with other cats of the same species even.

        The Panda Bear or Giant Panda would also need to be alone because it can be territorial but primarily because of its diet.  Panda Bears eat Alot! A panda bear can eat 30lbs of bamboo a day!  Any other herbivor would be starved to death.  The red panda, however, is a different and could coexist with animals that live in the same environment.

       When considering otters, you will need to be specific.  The river otter would be able to live with the bison as long as the area had running water along with plenty of woods and grassland.  The river otter often seeks shelter in wooded area.  The bison would need plenty of room to graze.  Other animals that could thrive is this environment are: moose, elk, hedgehogs, mice, prong horn, prairie dogs, rabbits, long horn cattle, deer, frogs, turtles, aquatic life specific to fresh water, etc.  Giraffe could live here as well.

       Giraffe need warm grassland or savannah.  They also eat budding tree leaves.  Many animals that spend most of the day grazing could thrive in this setting.  If the area was set up for giraffe I doubt there would be a sufficient amount of water to support otters. Unless the area was intended to mimic grasslands near the coast.  Then perhaps sea otters could live there.  But zebras, elephants, rhino's, and waterbuffalo.

      What about dolphins?  Dolphins with manitees, sting rays, tuna, and other salt water life.

       Monkeys and chimps can live together with most other primates (except gorillas.)

    I hope this gives you some ideas.  You might also consider having the students match animals with their corresponding habitat.  If you picked some animals that are similair in some unique way and grouped them together. Eg Marisupials = kangaroo, oppossum, etc.  Maybe talk about duck billed platipus or ant eaters or the three toed sloth.

  8. I live in north-central British Columbia, along the Skeena River, amidst the Coast Mountains.

    If what you call a "mountain lion" is the same as what I'd call a "cougar", we had one in town last fall. It got most of the little outside dogs. I've seen otters in the river, on the way to Prince Rupert. Bison are not native to the area, but there was a "Buffalo Farm" just as one approached Smithers.  I don't know where it comes from now, but they often sell "Buffalo Burger" at the General Store.

    No Giraffes, although my ex and his daughter swear that they once saw a zebra in a field nearby.

    No pandas, but my next-door neighbour's bamboo keeps growing out of control.

    (For what it's worth, the host of a very popular Canadian radio program has said on air that the drive from Smithers to Prince Rupert is the most beautiful in Canada.)

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