
(10 points)help <span title="needed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?">needed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...</span>

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okay,my friend has greasy hair and would like to know if anyone of u ppl know any types of hair masks for greasy hair....if not she would like to know if there are any masks that make hair healthier =)...p.s. it could also be a recepie for hair..................plz answer ur help needed...thax=)




  1. It may sound kind of weird, but a good wash once in a while with Dawn dish liquid is a good idea. Also, a rinse with vinegar or lemon juice is great for limp hair. Wash hair, rinse well and add one cup of vinegar to 2 cups warm water and pour over head, wait about one minute and rinse. Follow same directions for lemon juice. Avoid using a real heavy hair gel; that can gunk your hair and make it look limp and greasy.  

  2. your friend? um hun, i suggest ditching her for friends with pretty hair.

    not greasy hair. maybe she should stop eating mcdonalds to get that grease of her hair.  

  3. wash it everyday with shampoo for &quot;fine or oily&quot; hair...i think garnier fructis makes it.  DO NOT USE CONDITIONER for a while...that helps make it oily

  4. Well if it was me and simple washing wasn&#039;t enough, I would use dish soap once a week and then follow up with a good end nurishment - use some damage control conditioner but only on the very ends of the strands (put it near the scalp and you&#039;ve ruined the whole degreasing).

  5. im  not sure mayo makes ur hair shiny lemo juice makes ur hair bleched

  6. do not use shampoo for dry hair because theat helps increase the making of oils. use a shampoo and conditioner for oily hair. and don&#039;t put the conditioner on the roots.


  8. First wash your hair EVERY day or night!!! and plus greasy hair is healthy hair! its good for the hair and if she is too tired to wash her hair then try putting baby powder in it...

  9. its called washing your hair. try to get something with oil controll

  10. first wash hair EVERYDAY and dont condition as muc only at the ends of your hair!  that helps ALOT!

    second maybe go to a drugstore and look for hairmasks for greasy hair

    third go to this website! it tells you all you need to know! (:

    i hope i helped if the link doesn&#039;t work type in &quot;tips for greasy hair&quot; in the google search and click on the third website titled &quot;Greasy Hair - causes and solutions&quot;

    hope i helped!!

  11. Don&#039;t use conditioner at all..if she is. And two she should find a shampoo that is for oily hair. Or three She can always go to a hairstylist and ask what to use and or do.

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