
10 pts BA! I saw these shoes on sale for $100 originally $350. Do you think they are nice, should i get them!?

by  |  earlier

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  1. They're really cute.

    I love them. But I wouldn't wear them because I don't have anywhere to wear them.

  2. I'm not too fond of them, but if you want them.

    Make sure the ones you buy are real L.A.M.B. b/c I can't really think of any other reason why you'd get them so cheap.

    But if you can get the real ones that cheap then go for it.

  3. they're so cute! id definitely get them!

  4. ooh!! mate they are awsome !!!!!!!!!!!! and l.a.m.b. isnt that gwen stefani's label. yeah totally go for them reduce by that much of course you get them. just check why they are reduced to that price, but for sure!!!  

  5. they are ok

  6. YES!

    When you see an offer like that (when its less than half price) you should grab it right away

    Well think if its practical

    Are you wearing it with anything?

    Are you comfortable in pumps?

    Yea but I think you should get em : D

  7. ODVII ! There soooooooooooo niice :D there worth millions!

    Buy them !! i would !!! if you're younger then thiirty five...................... even better :D:D I LOVE THEM ! I SAY YES !

    Have fun if u buy them :D

  8. The heel looks good and all, but I think the heel is way too high, it will hurt your feet unless you're use to it. If you are and you like it, I think you should get it. I personally don't perfer open toe shoe.  

  9. ya go 4 it

  10. They're really cool. But can you afford them? Do you need them? Will you wear them? All these worrying questions.

    To h**l with it, if you can't indulge, you can't have fun! If they're a bargain, then buy them! Live a little!

  11. yeah there totally hot

  12. if oyu dont get them, ill have them

  13. Love them! Charrrrrrrrrge

  14. omg they r totally ahdorable! i love them! I would definitly get them. and $100 is a great deal!

  15. those are soo cute. if you have the money to get them, I say go for it.  

  16. soo cute i think you should get them especially to wear with skinnies they would look so cute you should definetly get especially since there in sale CHARGEEE lol...!

  17. They are absolutly gorgeous !

    They would look great with anything !

    Colors .. black and whites ..

    jeans .. dresses !

    Go for it !

    its also a great sale  

  18. definitely... i mean they are on sale for $250 less! and they're really cute too. You should totally get them

  19. no..the twisty thing on top of the toe part looks weird..

  20. I don't like them.. and I wouldn't pay that much for a pair of shoes.. but then again that's me...

    If you can afford them and you'd rather have shoes than something else, then I'd say yes, that's more than half off.  Go for it.

  21. i think u should get them cuz they r pretty cute and on sale!

  22. i don't really like them

    but i'm not into heels i guess.


  23. they're horrible.  

  24. YES!

    they are so cute!

    Im pretty sure i saw

    them at the mall the other day i wanted them....

    im jealous! :]]

  25. I don't think they are worth $100. I have spent that much on shoes before but they have to be very original. Unless you have something specific to wear them with, and can't find anything else, I would pass. That color is hard to find but the style is so so.

  26. Ya there totallly awesome!  

  27. OMG L.A.M.B for only $100! Get them, theyr cute xx

  28. Yes. I think they are cute and because they are a light silver you can wear them with a lot . Good Deal!! Hope I helped!

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