
10 pts...Should I report this accident?

by Guest62316  |  earlier

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Yesterday I was at a redlight waiting to turn left. This women started reversing from a driveway right into me. I honked as there was no where for me to go. She still hit me. Said she never saw me. Clearly 100% her fault.

I suggested we go outside of insurance as it'll be better for her. We exchanged information including insurance just in case. I called her yesteday to let her know my mechanics estimate at the damages ($600), but she didn't pick up, nor did she call when she said she would.

Should I give her the benefit of the doubt and drop by her house...or should just go through my insurance. We have no fault insurance here...even if it's not your fault...your insurance may still go up...hence why I prefer not to go to insurance.




  1. if it's her fault your insurance will not go up no matter what, and if you dont report it for a while you cant really report it and what you will have to do is take her to court and that could take months if not more, the same thing happend to my friend in a school parking lot and and the guy didnt want him to report it n told him he would give him money for it buty friend knew he would pay so he reported it n the cop didnt give noone a ticket and all that happend as the other guys insurance went up by 50 bux for 6 month cuz it wasnt a major accident but if i were you i would report it if the lady is obviously avoiding you

  2. i think yew should stop by the house and see if shes home and then discuss it with her...but if she isnt home just leave a note on her door...{big as day}

    with the amount

    and your number{ so she wont have an excuse}

    and mayb threaten her a lil...

    just like write

    " i would like to be called in 2 days or less if not i will preceed to the insurance company"

    thats alll there is 2 it

    good luck..

  3. call her....and report her! She should stand by her word and the fault was entirely hers.... She's just staying away o kepp away from the bill she is about to pay you...

  4. Do the right thing and report it.  Why even suggest not to go through insurance.  In the long run, you won't save and it will potentially just bring more headaches

  5. keep calling her and report the accident she should be held by her word

  6. you can report the claim to your insurers and explain to them it is currently for information purposes only - this WILL NOT effect your premium. this will however save you time if you do wish to get your car repaired via your insurers in the future. personally, i would let it go through the insurance. how long are you prepared to wait to see if she gets back in touch with you. i work for a claims dept in the uk - this accident is NOT your fault. get it done through your insurers, give them her insurance details and they will claim their outlay back from her insurers after you have had your repairs done. the only problem is, this way, you will have to pay your policy excess to get your car repaired, but get a receipt from the garage. once her insurers have accepted liability - you sent that receipt to them and they issue a reimbursement cheque to you. hope this helps.

  7. Put her on written notice. Prepare a letter with a copy of the estimate. Tell her you want either cash or a certified cheque

    within a certain time. If she does not provide this by this

    date report it to your insurance company unless you are prepaered to eat 600. Be sure and keep copies of all

    correspondence between you and her and be sure they are dated.

  8. never take a person's word in a situation like that.  There could be hidden damage or the person who hit you could have no insurance - even come back on you and claim a lawsuit...

    go to the police and get a police report - then contact your insurance company.  Get the license plate number of the person who hit you before going to the police.  This will cover you in case anything comes up.

    No-Fault insurance does not cover your vehicle damage - its for injury only.  Collision covers vehicle damage on your car if you are at fault - Liability covers damage to the other car you hit.  Her liability coverage repairs your vehicle - and her collision fixes hers if she chooses (or has collision).

    Go get a police report!!!  I could save you from problems down the road.

  9. this is called a judgement call.. its you're insurance thats going up.. you make the call on what too do..

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