so i was on the phone last night with my boyfriend and we got on the subject of our future children.. and how we would like our household to be run.
i told him i want my kids to be whoever they want, as long as they are happy..and he was all, well i dont want to have a son that does ballet or something like that!
so i tried to tell him how if it would make him happy there is nothing wrong with it.. and it wouldn't make him g*y..
then i said.. besides.. if we did have a g*y son, what would you do?
this really set him off, and we talked for a few hours about how opposite we are.
he is homofobic, and hates being near g*y men. but i told him it doesn't even affect him as long as they are happy who cares!
he also classifies people by their race/ethnicity (sorry if i spelt that wrong)
i really dislike when he uses words that are demeaning to other people, because people are people..
any help here?
how can i get him to open up his mind and accept others for who they are?!?!