
10 pts best answer. whats the best way to tell my parents i got my ipod stolen?

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its kinda hard to tell them cuz it was my fault. it was stolen just recently.

and it was an itouch that cost like $500 so ya. i have only had it for about 9 months. its hard to tell them bcuz i got it for christmas from them. whats the best way (that wont get them as mad) to tell them?




  1. Lie?? Haha just kidding.

    There's no easy way out, just tell them.

    It's your fault it was stolen, so you're getting what you deserved..ha well sort of.

  2. Say :Mom..................Dad..........well the other someone took my ipod when i wasnt looking, keep it as close to the truth as possible... P.S. you should do something special for them like make dinner reservations......

  3. Become an hero.

  4. The same happened with me! Those *** holes at my school took while I was at gym! Just flat out tell them that's what I did. My parents were pissed, but at least I was honest, and technically it's not your fault! Their thief's in this world and they can't expect that, that won't happen to you.

  5. make sure they are in a really good mood do you chores and help them around the house be extra nice to them and then save up money. then when they notice that you are being really nice tell them that you i pod was stolen then ask them if they had anything stolen and use that agents them. Tell them your really sorry and leave so they have time to think it through.  

  6. Well if you are a guy I would tell them that you have bad news.  Then proceed to tell them that you got a girl pregnant OR that you are g*y.  After they find out you only lost your IPOD they will be relieved, might even laugh.  Good Luck

  7. Just tell them, because there is probably no way to admit the truth without them getting angry. I was in a similar situation when I got my cell stolen. My mom was totally pissed off, but then she later calmed down. She didn't buy me a new one though. I had to work to pay for another one myself.

  8. Tell them the truth, tell them you are willing to do chores to pay them back for it.

  9. tell them that somebody took your bag and run away, tell hem that you lost your books and notebooks and other stuff

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