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okay i live out in the country...but we also live in a neighborhood...i dont know if yall can picture that...but anyways---we have a dog who is a beagle mix...and whenever he goes outside (we let him run without a leash) he always goes roll in a dead animal or someones trash that got knocked over by the raccoons or cats....anyone know why??




  1. he is a dog. dogs like to get dirty. because it is fun for them. it also scratches all the itches on their backs. and they like the smell

    if you don't want him to do this then when he does grab him by the collar (don't pull) and firmly (not loudly) say "no"

  2. It is doggie perfume!!!

    Wearing the scent of trash or dead things is like wearing perfume to a dog.  It attracts other dogs.   There is nothing worse to a dog then smelling clean.  Have you ever noticed when you give your dog a bath, the first thing it does is goes and rolls on the floor or in the grass or

    on a stinky dog bed that you haven't washed yet?  

  3. For some reason they like to eat & roll in some of the most disgusting stuff.  A friend of my lives on a Dairy so you know what her dogs roll in.  Dogs love to eat horse p**p & roll in it.  They love the eat the hooves that are cut off a horse or cow.  Road kill is another favorite.  Owweee, dead skunk in the middle of the road.  They love kitty puffs.

    They are dogs & they love this kind of stuff.

  4. Basically, your dog is marking his territory with his scent. They do this to let other dogs (and animals) know that whatever has his scent on it is his.

  5. Based on my experience with a beagle who did the same thing, I feel it is due largely to the breed being a hunting dog.  The beagle has a super sharp sense of smell.  My vet said they like to maintain the scent therefore they roll in it to keep it with them.  For easier hunting I guess?  I don't have facts here just my own experience.

  6. all the dogs in my neiborhood do it all the time. its totally normal. its kinda discusting tho

  7. We call this sidewalk (or dirt road) pate.  Dogs love the smell.  Hunting breeds in particular like to cover themselves in the stinky stuff.  Some believe it is because it hides the dogs natural scent which makes sense, however, nothing is going to hide the sound of a Beagle baying!

  8. Does he come back to you after he's done this? If so, he's showing you (his pack) what he's found! My Auntie's dog (he's a poodle...not that it matters) does that too.

  9. As long as your dog is safe off lead its fine and i agree dogs should have a good run round.  

    my yorkie used to roll in doggy muck :(  he got to the point he did all the time and i would have to bath him.

    i think dogs do this due to the scent and putting it on them kinda like a doggy perfume! lol :)

    anyway i stopped my yorkie toby by every time he rolled in ti saying no picking him up and putting him the other way, hes now stopped and leaves doggy muck alone.

  10. My dog used to do this too. She would go rub herself all over where another animal marked. She came back so stinky! And I never found out why they did it either. Good luck!

  11. beagles are natural hunters and love to smell new things as all dogs do so thats why your dog will do that. how to stop it will you can train him to come back using the comand LEAVE! takes a while be he will learn.

  12. My dog lied to roll on dead turtles- NASTY! I think they like the smell of rotting things. My new dog will roll on dead birds. She turns over on her back and squirms side to side- its so gross. It must be like cat nip is to cats or something. I agree it is gross. People must not understand country life- too bad for them

  13. a beagle is a hunting dog  maybe his previouse owner trained him to do that...clean up your yard and put him on a leash ...if you want to

  14. Because he's a dog and that's what dogs dp.

    That's why you need to keep your dog on a leash.

  15. I can picture this my sister lives in an area like this.

    First off why are you letting your dog run without being in control????

    Secondly you still have streets with cars, what's stopping your dog from getting run over????

    Thirdly- Doesn't your town, county have a control law, why are you excluded from this???

    Dogs love rotten smelling things, that is great for them to show to other dogs they want acceptance, it masks the perfume smell from shampoo's, grooming, it also is what wild dogs did when they were hunting so other animals could not smell them.

    it's awful for us, but soothing for them (go figure) I keep lots of shampoo on hand, lol lol lol

    Good luck to you  

  16. He is covering his own scent.Since he is a hunting breed he knows this will help him get closer to prey without them knowing he is a dog.It very normal and very common.There is no way to stop him since you do not control his movements  or that of your neighbors it will simply keep happening.Tilks Mom

  17. lot of dirt in your yard

  18. Your dog may have a very strong sense of smell, and is very curious of what is making that smell.  Obviously, your yard is a mess, and should be cleaned up.  Remember, dead animals spread disease and needs to be cleaned up.  Your dog is kind of a gross dog.  

  19. First matter where you live, your dog should not be allowed to run loose.  if you live in a neighborhood, there is always the risk of getting hit by a car, etc.  being a beagle...he tracks...once he gets ahold of a scent, he's gonna follow it till he can't follow it anymore, God knows where he will end up.  As for rolling in dead animal, or trash...he's a hunting dog...he's trying to cover his own scent so that whatever it is he's tracking, can't smell him coming!  Please keep him on a tie out so he doesn't get hurt!

  20. This is a very easy answer to give you!

    Dog roll in yucky stuff to cover their own scent.  Being part Beagle the dog wishes to cover it's scent so when it is on the hunt their prey will not smell them.  

    This still holds true for to days dogs.  It's a hold over from when they hunted for their own food.

  21. Dogs are full of energy and enthusiasm for fun.They are probably curious too.

  22. He doesn't like his scent

    When we get our dog back from the kennels they give a bath and he comes out smelling all fluffy & girly. So the 1st thing he did was roll in Animal c**p or other stuff, Now (and thank god) they have stopped doing that.

    So when he does it, just wash it off gently ( or depending how annoyed you are with cold water) but leave it like that, maybe use a bit of hand soap or washing up liquid to help get rid of it, but leave it at that don't put any smelly stuff on them.

    hope this helped :).

  23. My dogs do this... Soooooo gross :).  They are rubbing their scent all over it and want the scent all over them...

  24. haha yeah my dog does this. they do this to cover their scent, like if they are "hunting"

    if this is bad habit try leashing the dog.

  25. As disgusting as it might be its completely normal dont worry.

    Compared to a human's 5 million olfactory receptors, dogs have 220 million!

    To dogs, they find these aromas so wonderful that they want to actually wear them. Females tend to do this more then males but it still happens to both sexes.

    If this is a sticky and stinky situation that you are getting tired of, I would recommend getting a dog run. You can purchase them at your local feed store or even walmart. I had to do this with my dog because he like to roll is fecses.

    I know exactly what you mean about the partial city and country thing.

    Good luck and i hope your dog finds something better to role on.

  26. they are basically claiming the dead animal as there own and they want to get there scent on it. my dog rolled in a dead seal once, it was so gross.  

  27. it's completely normal,dogs think that stuff smells good,i have 8 dogs(a rottweiler,a great pyrenese,a boxer,a chow,a german shepard,a pit bull,and 2 mixes)and whenever i give them a bath they immedietly go roll in something disgusting!

  28. Sounds like you need to clean up your yard.  So disgusting.

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