
10 pts for most impressive ans.If you were a color, which one would you be and why? How does it represent you?

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10 pts for most impressive ans.If you were a color, which one would you be and why? How does it represent you?




  1. Green, because i'm quite unique and quirky.

  2. i would be a pale green. green is a color that represents life, energy, and strong will, but the fact that it is pale and muted shows peace and calm, all of these things i value, and are traits found in me.

  3. i would be blue because its my favorite color but i also think it represents my personality well i always feel down and out basically im blue(sad). i also feel that im blue because im being drowned by lifes pressures and i cant breath anymore

  4. black - because I feel dead inside having to answer a question like this.

  5. I would be hot pink or orange, something bright... but not to bright to take over a crowd... id want to be noticed but not noticed out everything, and I think pink is a very pretty girl color and orange is very calming and peaceful...

  6. Turqoise Blue. Its so pretty.People wear it as jewelry men and women.

    The color of money is pleasing to the eyes.I need extra cash right now.

    Purple, the royalty. Seen purple iris flowers. Beautiful.

  7. I'd be Chartreuse. In case you didn't know, it's a shade of green. I'd be that color because it's rare as far as people knowing what it is but yet we can still see it everywhere. I'm a very deep person inside and I can say with confidence I'm not like many people in highschool or college at least but I'm still very outgoing and bubbly on the outside. The green is also for my Irish heritage, I think that's fairly self-explanatory.. :]

  8. id be pink because its best match too me

  9. i wood probebly be Turquoise. Its not only me favorite colour but iswell it represents me becos its a mix of blue and green,and since blue stands for calmness or sadness and green fro lively, and i am both those things,and sad sometimes.and its more of a girly colour then boys,althogh they can wear it iswell

  10. I would be hot pink-exciting and feminine.

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