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How do I join my high school's net work on fb? It says it's invalid, yet people on my school are in it?..?

When i tried to join a net work, it stated it was "invalid" network, yet some people, I don't really know them..

when I scan through who's listed on my high school net work, their info. shows and when i try to join it states it's not found?

what am I doing wrong?...




  1. your friends have to invite you into the network i think... i had the same problem and i remember in my group of friends we would delete each other then re-add each other and confirm each other into the network or something

  2. Are any of ur friemds on the network ,if yes go to their profile and i think if u hit on that network u can try to join.

  3. Say  what?! Try using some periods in their!

  4. Usually, when you join a network, someone from that network has to approve that you do go to that school/live in that city etc.

    So, if you have friends in that network, ask them to invite you into it.

    Hope this helps!

  5. maybe you should talk to mr.cave

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