10 pts for best critique.
The road disrupts me
as the sun in a dream,
My desires are real,
Even if I am asleep,
Maybe I can see you
tonight if I believe.
Perpetual rain ahead
clashing the street,
I never heard you say
it would be so easy,
But I never thought
it'll be hard for me.
Here not in control,
With my hand to steer,
Nearby the road twists
mirroring how I feel,
The windshield's fogged
Hiding what is real.
I am tempted to stop
at every exit sign,
Never doing so because
a voice still reminds
of moments, and hopes
of repeated times.
Tonight these dreams
true as they're shown,
I wish you've told me
and I would've known,
But dreaming is tiring
and I want to go home.
**My intended message is about a guy who chases after this girl, but only has her in his dreams**