
10 pts!When they do the Census every 10 years why don't they just count the amount of social security numbers?

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Because everyone born, even homeless have social security numbers right?

Wouldn't it be more accurate just to see how many social security numbers exist in the US?




  1. No it would no be accurate to count SSN's. There's alot of people here in the US that don't have SSN's like some of the Native Americans that still live on the Reservations and people that believe the government is out to get them.

    The Census is done every 10 years because it takes alot of man power and they really only need to do it every decade for the research purpose. The Census also counts the number of illegals here in the US, who do not have SSN's as well.

    And every person that is born in the US does not necessarily have an SSN.

  2. Not everyone has a valid, legal social security card, the census counts undocumented aliens also.  

    The census is also a marketing publication that allows the businesses to target market products.

    And why, oh why, would a bureaucracy (the census bureau) want to eliminate itself by using data that already existed?  That would be anti-big government.  

  3. china

  4. it would make sense

  5. Not everyone in the United States has a social security number i.e. immigrants (legal or otherwise). And the point of the census is to gather information about EVERYONE in the U.S. Not to mention that not everyone with a social security number in the U.S. can respond to the census. Babies, children, mentally challenged people, some elderly. Plus if you consider the issues with identity theft and how criminals sometimes use social security numbers of dead people. It simply wouldn't be reliable. Also the Census is anonymous and doesn't gather personal information such as social security numbers.  

  6. The SS #s would not give the detailed information the census is designed to gather.  In addition, many people do not have SS#s and would not be counted.  Also, the SSA does not know that many, many people are dead since there is no reason to notify them if the deceased is not collecting SS.

  7. Because its in the Constitution.

  8. They don't keep up with people who have died and SS#. That is why many people including illegals use dead peoples SS#.

  9. Well, what if a person was born into a homeless family, under the circumstances that he was an "invisible?" No hospital, no authorities there at the time of birth? I dunno if this has happened, but that's just the first idea that came into my head. :)

  10. because they need to know details by locality, town, village, county state etc. so they can plan for the future

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