
10 quick poings !!! What are the ten signs of global warming?

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miss p , you won't get my 10 poings. i'm serious




  1. 1. Increasing global surface temperature.

    2. Decreasing stratospheric temperature.

    3. Decreasing diurnal temperature range.

    4. Retreating glaciers.

    5. Shrinking polar icecaps.

    6. Rising sea levels.

    7. Increasing ocean acidity.

    8. Increasing tropical rainfall.

    9. Decreasing low-temperate rainfall.

    10. Republicans claiming there is no evidence, without looking to see if there really is.

  2. I am not EVEN going to try and compete against that Answer by Miss P!

    Ha------- great answer!  :)

  3. gizmom said:

    "my brain"

    Apparently, that isn't a very good source.

  4. The ten commandments that's for sure

  5. I think the signs are all around us its just that they aren't yet clear. Personally I don't think that we need to be looking for signs. I think we need to be working on a way to prevent the situation of Global Warming from occuring.

  6. 1) abrupt tempature rise and fall

    2) weather changes suddenly

    3) atmoshphere will become weaker and people will find it hard to breath

    4) sea level rises

    5) sun will become more intense and people will get really bad sunburn( it has already happened people had to go to the hospital)

    6) severe heat( i already fainted and school was let out early twice and oneday we just got off!)

    sorry i could only think of six oh wait

    7)  a ton of water will evaporate( just look at lake chad its evaporated already)

    k well thats all i thought of sorry hope i helped ur understanding

  7. The number one sign, the Al Gores get richer !

  8. 1) Your tongue turns green.

    2) You start spouting nonsense about CO2 emissions and carbon footprints.

    3) You celebrate Earth Hour.

    4) You go door to door during Earth Hour telling your pesky neighbours to turn off the lights.

    5) You start buying carbon credits.

    6) You vote for the Green Party during the next election.

    7) You watch An Inconvenient Truth at least once a week.

    8) You have a poster of Al Gore in your room that you enjoy looking at.

    9) You're losing your temper at your friends for driving cars.

    10) You post advice on how to go green in the Global Warming section in Yahoo Answers.

  9. Ten Signs of Global Warming

    1. Heat Waves

    2. Hurricanes

    3. Storms

    4. Flooding

    5. Shrinking snow pack's

    6. Vanishing glaciers

    7. Shortage of water

    8. Pollution

    9. Sea levels rising

    10. Wild Fires

  10. 1. the earth`s weather starts to seen wierd ex: summer starting late, not cold in winter, etc.

    2. the polor ice caps starts to melt

    3:animals start to die out

    4.haveing water is not much of a problem now

    5. It is hotter outside

    6. animals start to do wierd things because of the weather changes

    7:the water is getting bad with muck and bad stuff

    8. earth is being covered in a cloud of heat

    9. pollution

    and the big

    TEN TEN TEN 10!!!.

    everyone is panicing because if we dont do something soon the earth will die out and we will be forced to move!

  11. Is this a need-to-know question or are you just quizzing us and already know the answer?

  12. I don't know.. lets all watch "the day after tomorrow" and go with that.

    Oh wait... that movie was a load of trash.  whoops.

    1. Al Gore exhales alot of hot air

    2. The media gets really really excited about a new coming disaster

    3. A zillion country's jealous of America's awesome amazingness get together to sign this thing called the Kyoto treaty to try to suppress the U.S.'s amazingness

    4. The government begins taking away individuals freedoms to advance the governments power.  case and point, light bulb type

    5. People begin to experience a religious fervor toward  "mother nature"

    6. Shunning of people who own awesomely safe, yet gas gussling, SUVs.

    7.  Make the American people feel like evil, evil people because they are more prosperous than the rest of the world

    8. Left-wingers make propaganda films like an inconvenient truth, the happening, and the day after tomorrow

    9. Liberals fervently blame natural phenomena like hurricanes and tornadoes on the prosperous peoples of the world

    10. in 2050 the American people wake up to find they have handed over all their liberties to the government for nothing.

    (if you have witnessed sign 10, it is to late.  All is lost)

  13. 1)










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