
10 riddling riddles for 10 pts?! (hard and easy)?

by  |  earlier

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Here are Ten riddles I managed to get. First to get them all right [and not just edit them out] Will win 10 points =) Good Luck!

1. How much dirt is in a hole 3 acres square and 200 feet deep?

2. How do you stop a dog from barking in July?

3. When is a man drowned, but still not wet?

4. What are the chillist 12 inches in the world?

5. Why is a bear like a falling tree?

6. What has neither flesh, bone, nor nail yet has 4 fingers and a thumb?

7. How do you divide seventeen apples among 16 people

8. What is the beginning of eternity, the end of time and space, the beginning of every end and the end of every race?

9. What is it that's always coming but never arrives?

10. What do you throw away that keeps returning?

[Star if you like! :D]




  1. 1. none, its a hole

    2. the same way you stop him from barking any other month.

    3. after they dry him off.

    4. a test tube in some science lab.

    5. if he stomps in the middle of the woods while no ones there, does it make a sound?

    6.a robotic hand

    7. give everyone an apple, and toss the last one

    8. and E

    9. tommorrow.

    10. trash.

  2. 1. it's a hole, so there isn't any in it.

    2. stop shooting off firworks.

    3. when he's in debt.

    4. a foot long chili dog.

    5. when either is coming you should get out of the way.


    7. give each one and a 16th of the last.


    9. the end of the world.

    10. junkmail.

  3. 1)  Its a hole so theres none

    2)  Dont set off fireworks

    3)  Quicksand?

    4) Bottle of chilli pepper?

    5) You try and avoid it by running away

    6) A mannequin

    7) Give one apple each and give 1/16 of the 17th apple

    8) The letter 'e'

    9) Tommorow

    10) A Boomerang

  4. 8. The letter "e" That's the only one I know!

  5. 1.=I guess there shouldn't be any cause uh it's a hole?

    2.=kill it?

    3.=quicksand(haha I know this one cuz of my teacher)

    4.=cold feet(teacher)


    6.=glove(one of my favorite riddles)





  6. idk they r too hard lol

  7. 1. How much dirt is in a hole 3 acres square and 200 feet deep? NONE

    2. How do you stop a dog from barking in July? OPEN THE DOOR

    3. When is a man drowned, but still not wet? QUICKSAND

    4. What are the chillist 12 inches in the world?COLD FOOT

    5. Why is a bear like a falling tree?  YOU WILL GET OUT OF BOTH WAY

    6. What has neither flesh, bone, nor nail yet has 4 fingers and a thumb? A GLOVE

    7. How do you divide seventeen apples among 16 people MAKE APPLESAUCE

    8. What is the beginning of eternity, the end of time and space, the beginning of every end and the end of every race?  E

    9. What is it that's always coming but never arrives? TOMORROW

    10. What do you throw away that keeps returning BOOMERRANG

  8. 1. none

    2. hmmm, dont no this one.

    3. in dept, or... hmmm, marriage?

    4. snow.

    5. they can both kill u if u dont get out the way.

    6. glove.

    7. give them each one and keep the last one urself.

    8. the letter E.

    9. end of world? i dunno i copied this answer.

    10. Trash.

  9. not going to answer because i'll most likely get 23503465023450345 of them wrong..even though there's not that many=)

    btw..if you need any help with that stuff on Totally Tricky Riddles, just contact me and i'll help !

  10. The only one I know is 8 and that's 'E'.

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