
10 things I hate about you song?

by  |  earlier

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I want to know the name of the song that plays when they are at prom, it starts kind of slow and then goes all ska with parts where that say 'oOoo'....




  1. Ohh how funny...I am pretty sure that ROSE...above me...was not even born when this movie came out.But ai am sorry i really had a good laugh at that one!!  Sorry i don't know the name of the song

  2. If I am thinking of the right song it is called "I know" by Save Ferris I have the sound track and it is one of my favorite movies, Hope I got it right for you,

  3. It's 7 things I hate ABout You by Miley Cyrus

  4. I think it's "Can't Stop" by Save Ferris

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