
10 things you like about high school?

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i need the answer to this question could you plz give me all 10 answers




  1. I have been out for 25yr's is the only one I can come up with except the girls looked better.

  2. 1. the friends you make

    2. the parties

    3. boring classes when you make fun of teachers

    4. skipping school

    5. teach other kids that don't skip school how to skip school

    6. the atmosphere, it's like you can do anything

    7. meeting the boy of your dreams and then dump him [lmao]

    8. the prom

    9. realising what you want to do next

    10. having fun all the time, the trips, the pranks, .....

    i just finished highschool. I already miss it. it was the best of my life [up until now lol]

  3. I just graduated high school. I can't say one good thing about it. High school sucks

  4. 1. locker

    2. no heavy backpacks cuz we put stuff in our locker

    3. more independent

    4. buy your lunch

    5. cool elective courses

    6. no recess so you can find your friends easily

    7. eat lunch outside

    8. if your mad at someone run to a random part of the school so they can't find you easily cuz there's way more than i class for each subject

    9. better teachers so we can learn more easily and

    10. actually get the courage to talk to the guy you like if you haven't already (his locker might be beside yours)

  5. i laughed for a full minute after i read your question

  6. 1- You get a one in a life time experience

    2- You have friends

    3- If there is pep rallies or spirit day, like mine, that's fun

    4- Meet new people

    5- You have more freedom

    6- It challenges you

    7- You learn lots of interesting things/facts

    8- If your a freshman, its only 3 more years to get out of school, sophomore only 2 more, junior only 1 more, senior your there!

    9- It really prepares you for life

    10- It's bigger than middle school and elemantary so there is more people to interact with and get to know

  7. It has been years since I went to High school and as I look back,,, I liked everything about it. When I was there I didnt but looking back I miss it.

    1. Friends,,, you cant beat them,,,, legally

    2. Memories,,, that is what made it fun

    3. girls.... need i say more

    4. Teachers,,, yes they were a pain, but they made me better

    5. clubs.... it was always a rivalry

    6. sports... the memory of playing, which I never did

    7. going to the games,,, it was a blast to support your home town

    8. the halls,,,, my school had a lot of history and I am proud to be part of that

    9. events... dances, parties, etc.... girls, girls, girls

    10. home,,,,, it will always be part of my life

  8. friends, breaks, boys, (that s all i think)

    answer mine

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