I am 9 weeks pregnant! As of today the father of my unborn child stated that he wanted me to get an abortion because of both of our employment issues, housing issues and this will be child number 3 for him. He stated that I would be dumb to keep the baby and not be able to take care of it and that if I were to keep it he wouldn't be around to help. I think because I am pregnant it's breaking up the relationship between him and his child's mother. However, I have had two previous abortions that took a major emotional toll on me and I don't want to kill my baby. Question, I have my 10th week ultrasound next week and I was wondering if I tricked him into going to the ultrasound, after seeing the baby could he possibly change his mind about an abortion? Also, I have known him for 13 years, we were together for 2 years and off and on for the past 3 years and my previous pregnancies were his!