
10 weeks pregnant, strange feelings?

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Mt wife is 10 weeks pregnant and is experiencing some strange feelings.

She is bloated and wasn't before, nausea but not actually being sick.

She is uncomfortable all the time.

Is this normal? She has been to the hospital for her check up this week and the baby is healthy and everything is fine, she's worried because of the bloating, I'm guessing because she hasn't had it before.

Thank you in advance.




  1. yes its very normal. the bloating is something she needs to get used to cuz its going to be lots more from that came from. Trust me!! Its going to be bloating, cramping, constipation, heartburn, your feet swollen and just all around uncomfortable. Welcome the beautiful world of being pregnant.

  2. From what i know bloating is a common sign experienced in pregnant women.

    Have look at these sites.

    PS don't worry too much.Worrying during pregnancy is not good.

    Wish you all the best for your upcoming baby. :)

  3. Bloating is completely normal and it'll probably get worse!  Congrats you guys!! =]

  4. She's almost certainly fine. First, she's probably more in touch with her body than before, so she notices this more than she would have before. Second, pregnancy is a HUGE hormonal shift, which can, yes, cause bloating. If she's in actual pain, as in severely swollen ankles, then that may be an early sign of pre-eclampsia, but that is unlikely at 10 weeks.  

  5. bloating and nausea is very common in pregnancy and nothing to worry about you can get it very early in to a pregnancy  

  6. I know the feeling.  When I was pregnant I felt bloated all the time.  She could be consitpated, retainning water a lil', or gassy.  I know as the baby moves up more everything moves around and you will feel bloated that way too.  I know I did.  Just keep an eye on her weight gain and drinks plenty of fluids like water or orange juice.  something that doesn't have a lot of sodium.  Also  Try to make it a habit of drinking at least 64 oz. of water a day.  

  7. um...sry i have kno clue im an 11 yr old kid sry

  8. Yep sounds like me when I was 10 weeks. Not everyone throws up from their nausea, I haven't thrown up from nausea at all this pregnancy, and from 10 weeks is when I started getting the hip pain and walking like an old lady.

  9. Welcome to the wonderful of pregnancy!!

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