
10 weeks pregnant....Conner Ryan and Kinley/Kenley?

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It's still a couple more months before we find out the s*x, but if it's a boy the name is definitely Conner. Do you think the 'er' spelling is okay? I really don't care for Connor.

Also, if it's a girl, I'm completely lost for names. I'm really liking the name Kinley/Kenley, but unsure about others' reactions to it. It's not a name that you hear much, at least where I'm from. In fact, I've never met one in real life. What do you think of Kinley/Kenley? Which spelling do you prefer? Which middle name would you pair with it: Grace, Rae(my father's middle name), Eden, or Brynn? Thanks so much!




  1. I like either of them.

    My girl name is Kensie/Kenzi and middle name I have picked is Joelle.  I dislike the middle name Grace because it seems like everyone is using it. I would use Rae.

    Kenley/Kinley Rae is my favorite combo you have listed.  Very cute.

  2. Love the name Conner! It's a good name spelled either way. I knew two Connor's and one spelled it Conner and the other's cute either way. Those are cute girl names. Here are a couple variations you may like to consider:





    And I would go with Grace because Brynn has too many n's and sounds funny with all the n's in the name and I don't care for the other two.

  3. I personally love, love, love Eden, so I would go with Eden Kinley, Kinley Grace would be cute too.  And Conner is very nice!!

  4. Conner Ryan


    Kinley Rae


  5. Conner Ryan is perfect, it flows well and looks wonderfull spelled!

    I prefer Kinley to Kenley, because the pronounciation of Kinley is a lot prettier and cuter! Kinley Grace and Kinley Rae both sound and flow very beautiful....I normaly would prefer the middle name Grace, but since Rae is part of your father name and Rae seems to flow better with the name Kinley than Grace does, you should defintely go with Kinley Rae! Hope this helps! =)  

  6. My little brothers name is Connor, and I love that name. I like Kinley Rae or Kinley Grace, whichever your husband and you like better. Congrats on the babe!


  7. Conner Ryan is great. I also like Kinley Grace, or Kinley Rae.

  8. I love the name Conner! That's what I'm naming one of the boys on the way. For a girls name, if you want it to start with the letter 'K' , maybe Kelsey or Kayla? If you don't care what it starts with, how about one of these:









  9. Conner Ryan is a great boys name.

    I really like Kinley. It sound like a sweet and smart girl. Since it's more unique name, the spelling is up to you. You could make it more feminine. Other options:





    I'd go with Kinlee Rae since it has a family signifigance.

  10. Conner McCloud

    Kelsey Morrigan

  11. I love the name Conner. We actually liked that for our son's name. Kinley is really pretty. I really like it. I would put Grace with is. I think Kinley Brynn is a mouthful, so I wouldn't do that. Congratulations! Email me sometime and tell me what you decide.

  12. Everybody will spell it wrong if you spell it Conner. The traditional way is Connor, and everybody expects it to be like that..

    "My name is Conner"


    "No, Conner with an E"

    "Oh...alright. C-o-n-n-o-r-e...."

    "No! C-O-N-N-E-R"


    Also I would save Kinley for a boy. It's very masculine. Grace and Eden are gorgeous first names!  

  13. conner is fine, i have a friend named connor and his name always gets spelled wrong, kinley rae flows best

  14. Kenley/Kinley Grace or Kinley Rae.  I think that if the name starts with "Ken" you will need a more feminine middle name. Also, be careful. If you choose this as your daughter's name, she will most likely be called Ken. (trust me: when i was younger, i had a friend named Kennedy who everyone called Ken.)  If you don't like this for a nickname, i would use Kenley or Kinley for a middle name.  Congrats on your baby, by the way!

  15. The spelling is up to you - I love the spelling Connor, because it looks more uniform. It's also how people will spell his name, if they don't know. Or finding things with the name Connor on them, it won't be spelled 'er' - so you'll need things specially made for him if you want something personalized. (I know, I did this with my kids too - only 2 of them have common names). You can always do Conner Rae for middle name too = very nice!

    Kinley is super cute! Or 'Kinleigh'? Hard Choice for middle name! I like Grace, Rae and Brynn is one of my favorites! Knock Eden out - it doesn't flow as well. I would say it's between Rae and Grace, but it's a toss up! Both very good!


  16. Kinley Rae is adorable!! And spelling Connor Conner is fine--it's not like it alters the pronounciation at all.

    Congrats and Best Wishes!!

  17. Conner is a very cute name for a boy, I don't like the "or" much either.

    OMG I've met a Kinley! She is like the sweetest person. I think its a really beautiful and unique name. All the middle names I think would work, but I like

    Kinley Grace


    Kinley Rae

    the best.

    I think Eden, doesnt go well because it has two syllables, and it just sounds a bit off.

    But Good luck! and Congrats.

    Oh p.s. I like it spelled Kinley, its more girlish :)

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