We just moved to Shanghai, China. My daughter has always been a picky eater. Hardly eats meats, poultry, veggies, some fruits. Loves cheese, pasta, starchy foods, of course, sweets. I worry about her nutritional intake. She gets a multivitamin. Since moving here, I've had to change the way I cook. I am trying stir fries that are actually really tasty and everyone else is enjoying them. She refuses to try the food I have prepared. She won't even eat white rice. She tells me she isn't hungry. She tells me she can't even think about putting the food into her mouth. She eats cereal in the morning and a sandwich, yogurt, milk for lunch. Even today, I gave her grapes with small seeds and she didn't eat them. Says they were too hard to eat with the seeds even though she actually could just eat the small seeds and not know it. Different textures seem to bother her in her mouth, such as chicken. Some foods make her gag or she'll chew and then spit it out if I even get her to try something. I am not sure what can be done about this. She is missing out on good food. She just doesn't seem to have that desire for one of the biggest pleasures we have as humans- enjoying food! She is thin, and afraid if she ever got sick; she'd have no reserve. I am not offering her "dog meat" but to watch her faces, you'd think I was trying to poison her! She's impossible! I don't cook anything special for her and I do not let her make anything else. What I make is what she has to eat. Hoping she'll eventually break down and be really hungry to try the food. Am I wrong about this?