
10 year old boy not interested in sports. What other activities are out there?

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I have a 10 year old son who is not at all interested in sports. He has tried: floor hockey, soccer, gymnastics, hip hop, swimming, guitar, oh my gosh, I can't even remember them all. Anyhow, I don't want him lounging around the house all the time. I would like him to be involved in at least one activity. Does anyone have any ideas? He really loves video games ( i limit his time) and he also loves science. We live in Saskatchewan, Canada. Thanks!!!




  1. Try to get him involved in a computer club or a library club.  I don't know if you have it there or not, but try him in Boy Scouts. They do all kinds of fun things outside and teach them different trades also.

  2. Maybe you guys should try signing him up for scouts or Boys Club, something like that where he can have a chance to experience a lot of different outdoor activities and by trying multiple things with a group of friends he cam decide what he likes. My husband's parents signed him up for every sport when he was a kid and they made him paricipate for at least a month so that he wouldn't just give up in the beginning before he had a chance to understand it.

  3. How about swimming? My daughter who is 8, started to love it at an early age and when she started now in "competitions", she really excelled in it !

  4. Maybe he can become apart of an academic club in school. Video games is not really that healthy for any child, especially one that is 10 years old. Ask him what he likes and go from there.

  5. If he likes to draw try getting him involved with something artistic.

  6. Has he tried karate?

  7. How is guitar a sport?

  8. My 11 yr old is the same way. I got him into drama and boy scouts. Try also chess club, a local skate boarding program, swimming, lacross, Art classes, Have you heard of Mad Science? Its an after school science program. do you have a community center near you, or a YMCA? They usually have great activities. Good luck!

  9. Since you said he loves science you could see if there are any science clubs nearby or maybe they have one at school.

  10. music, such as band or choir, chess team, math team, drama, school plays.  Look into volunteering at pet shelters or other animal rescue if he likes science.  See if there are any science related clubs.

  11. I recommend getting involved in Scouting.  The Scouting organizations teach all the things that have tendency to sometimes fall through the cracks.  In addition to nature and camping, he will find emphasis on  Character Development, Spiritual Growth, Good Citizenship, Respectful Relationships, Personal Achievement and much more.

    The founder called it "A game with a purpose"

    It is the best thing my parents did for me and I am doing for my son.

    It is like starting every adult contest with a head start or a few points on the board.

  12. try band...I started band when I was 11 and started middle school (6th grade)

  13. find a chess club, or maybe golf, archery, art

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