
10 year old doesnt want to have friends?

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So my little brother is 10 going 11. Problem is, he seems to be a loner. He's had classmates invite him to parties, and neighbor kids calling him out to play, but he never wants to go and doesnt really want to hang out with them. He prefers to stay inside playing ps2, and when he wants someone to play with, he always nagging me to play with him ( i'm 19), and when i tell him to get his friends he says that he doesnt want to. He prefers to go out as a family and i understand that, thats normal. And also he doesnt like to play outside at all unless its with my parents and the dog.

He really loves being with us, his family, but he doesnt want to have any friends, is that normal?? I know he is shy, but there are plenty of shy kids out there playing with other kids. Help?? Anyone have any similar cases, or know what could be wrong with my brother?

Im worried because i dont want him to get into his early teen years and suffer from depression or something.




  1. I was a complete loner as a child. I had no interest in making friends or hanging out with children my age. My parents would sign me up for classes and group activites and I resented every moment of it. After about age 11 I just stopped going to these things. My parents would drop me off, I'd go in one door and out the other and not return until it was time to be picked up.

    I am a completely normal, happy adult and I think I was a completely normal, happy kid. I don't have dozens of friends and a raging social life, but I've never wanted that. I have a couple of good friends and a wonderful spouse and I don't need anymore.

    That said, has your brother always been a loner or has his behavior changed recently? If he's always been a loner, leave him alone. If his behavior suddenly changed, I'd look into whether he's being picked on by a bully or popular ring-leader or if something else changed like a friend moving away, a fight with a friend, or something that caused the change.

  2. he may grow out of it. maybe he has been teased and didnt tell anyone and he knew it was really bad.

  3. He sounds like he's just really shy and almost afraid of other kids. Just keep encouraging him maybe sign him up for group events or classes that would force him to be around other kids his age then once he is he'll probably get use to being around other kids more and not think its that bad. Good luck!

  4. wel.. maybe u should tell him all the good things u can do with friends or maybe i don't but it's kind of weird to me.

  5. First of all, if you and your parents don't want your brother to think that there is something wrong with him, then why do you think that there seems to be something wrong with him?

    Can't you accept that what he is doing right now is normal? What do you think if he found out that his brother think that there something wrong with him?

    I suggest that you should accept him for what he is, that he's normal. Each person is different, not all people need to be a person to be hungry for friends.

    The reason he doesn't want to have any friend is because he thinks that he have no need for more friends, this because you and and the rest of your family are all the friends he thinks will need. It's a pretty normal thinking in the family oriented enviroment he's currently in.

    Now if you want to introduce friends to him, I suggest you and the rest of your family regulary do family activities together with non-family members (his classmates, neighborhood kids, and so on). In time, he will befriend them just like he befriended you and the rest of your family. He need to befriend his friends in a similiar way that he befriended you.

    And if you want him to have a girlfriend, I suggest you and the rest of your family discreetly find out on what kind of girl he's interested on (make sure that it's really his interest and not a false interest in order to please his families). After you find out the right girl for him, then have your mother, him and the girl do activities together. If he likes her and she likes him, I'm sure the two will start a relationship together.

  6. He needs to be running with the guys . maybe one or two boys from his class can be invited over to play video games . on his turf with his games to begin with .

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