
10 year old girl had weird dream?

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so my daughter she is 10 and she told me about it had a dream that every one went around naked and in elamentery school pnly looking was alound and in middel school even during class they could touch each other any were they wanted and didnt have to ask the other person and then in high school and older they could have s*x any were in school on the side walk in the mall any were well my question is what does this mean




  1. i think your daughter might of had an experiace and was embarrased to ask you so she might of told you she had that dream

  2. Ten is around the starting age where kids start to learn about s*x {from peers}, become curious, etc. I would talk to her about it, it's the best thing to do. She's the only one who can tell you. :)

  3. Actually, I think I remember having a dream like that. It was really disturbing, but maybe she's very curious, or worried about what touching is like or why people do it. Or she may even be starting to feel the pressure kids feel to hook up. She really needs a discussion with you about why you think people should have s*x, what it's like, what you expect of her and her attitude to her body and most of all, that she can talk to you or ask you anything and you won't get mad or act shocked. There's probably lots more of this to come. Unless you have some other indication that she's been exposed to something inappropriate, I think this is pretty normal.

  4. it means you need to talk to your daughter and find out where these ideas are coming from

  5. I`ve always heard that dreaming about being naked shows you`re worried or insecure about something. I`d be sure & tell her-no matter how old she is NOONE has the right to see her naked or where her bathing suit is or have s*x with her-withouther permission.Good Luck

  6. I think it has to do with her entering puberty.  Kids have very strange and often sexual dreams at that time.

  7. This means that your daughter has been thinking about stuff and you should use this as a spring board to talk a bit about s*x and teenagers.

    Usually people dream about what is on their minds. It doesn't mean that your daughter wants to have s*x but she is interested in discussing and exploring a bit more than she nows and understands right now.

    You need to take this opportunity to reassure her that thoughts such as this are OK and a normal part of growing up, fantasizing about things.

    The thoughts of themselves are not bad, the only bad thing is if we let ourselves act out on them and decide to do something with them. Your daughter needs to know that she is not a freak for having these dreams.

    Thank her for sharing those thoughts with you. Answer any s*x related questions she may have. And let her know that she will have more thoughts of that nature as the years go on. Teach her what to do with those thoughts - to shelve them for another time.

  8. well one her mind could be going a little out of control

    or she could be having some social problams.

    she could have been touched and trying to right it.

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