My 10-year-old daughter was potty-trained at 2.5. Two years ago, she was in a serious accident that left her temporarily incontinent. We (myself, my husband, and her doctors) have decided that it is time to start retoilet training. She has regained sensations, and knows when she needs to go. She is able to hold her bladder and bowels (for a short period of time) when she wants to. When I ask her to go potty, she will, but she will not go on her own. I tried to switch her to pull-up style diapers, and she got very upset, and said she didn't want them. She always tells me she needs changing as soon as she defecates, but when I try to change a wet diaper, sometimes she becomes very upset and hits me. Other times, she's fine. I want her to be able to have a normal life, but she is having difficulty retoilet training. What should I do?