
$100,000 or a kiss from Michael phelps(4 girls), kiss from jessica alba(4 boys)?

by  |  earlier

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choose one and why?




  1. $100,000. I think phelps has bad breath. LOoooL

  2. How bout you give me 100K and intro me to Alba. Maybe I could convince her to give me a kiss anyway,

  3. I'll get the $100,000.00.  

    Why?  The money can be invested and you can get two-folds or more of it.   Besides, you couldn't find that money in the street. Also, you can buy everything including a kiss from these two celebrities.

    A kiss from Michael Phelps can be arranged (if you have money or donate for his cause) and I can get it free plus autograph.

  4. $100 000 of course .. if it's between the money and Jeff i choose Jeff lol.. but it's not so i choose the money !

  5. i would take the 100K and go to vegas, there's girls alot hotter than jessica alba there- that do awesome things for money.

  6. The money. I need it!! I don't need a kiss from Michael.

  7. alba, cause u can make 100,000 but getting her, not so easy

  8. h**l, even if it was for $100, I'd still take the money...

  9. 100 000 i need money

  10. $100,000 - because one kiss from Michael Phelps isn't going to keep me warm at night.

  11. 100,000 cuz i would rather kiss someone i was in love with

  12. i would take the money. but u could maybe use part of it to get a kiss from jessica alba.

  13. Kiss from Michael. I'd kill to just meet the stud. Michael <333

  14. take money even 10$ why? cause its just a kiss no big deal btw im a guy

    girls r prob gonna take 1 penny cause phelps has such a lisp h**l spit all over them

  15. um 100,000 dollars duh!!! A kiss won't pay my bills!!! ...........or will it???..........hmm....

  16. That's a tough one. Hmm.. I'm going to have to say $100 000. I adore Michael Phelps, but not in a crush way. He's hot but I don't really want him to be my boyfriend or anything. Maybe a friend would be good.

    Besides, I need the money. =)

  17. 100 grand.I have things to buy!!! School just started and I need clothes!

  18. 100,000

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