
100 million orphaned children, why isn't prolife interested?

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Throughout history few valued life of an orphan enough to adopt. Look around you, only a few have adopted anybody. Adopting more orphans is one way of showing women you care for humanity rather than purely newborns.

Women would never have abortions if she felt she and hers would be valued, safe and taken care of.




  1. Your postulate: orphans exist.

    Your conclusion: pro-life supporters are not interested in their lives.

    How did you arrive at this conclusion?  It may be true.  It could be false.  We cannot properly respond without knowing.   Nevertheless, if you allow me a little leeway, I will try to discern the issue.

    We do not know for sure whether pro-life supporters are uninterested in the lives of orphans, but we do know:

    1) Pro-life supporters tend to adhere to more conservative religions

    2) Some studies indicate the percentage of income donated by members of conservative religions to orphans surpasses that from people with less conservative beliefs.

    Therefore, the proper (although not fully supported) conclusion is that people who are pro-lifers are actually more interested in the lives of orphans.

    This is supported by history as well.  Movements supporting abortion in the United States and Europe grew out of eugenics; abortion was originally aimed at eliminating undesirables [immigrants, foundlings, etc].  These ideas were considered evil by the Catholic Church (many of the undesirables were catholics anyway) and the Church fiercely fought it in the States and Europe.  By your logic, we should have expected the Church to be uninterested in the lives of unaborted children.  However,  it was the Church who served as their major supporter.

    Again, it appears your logic is faulty, so please reconsider your question.  I should think a better question would be, “what are the motives of conservatives who fight abortion.”   This is a much more interesting question, and I doubt a reflective answer would point to any lofty ideals on their part.  If you do ask this question, please recognize it does not belong in the Adoption subject area any more than your present one does.

  2. actually m g, IVF and inseminations are quite a bit less costly than adoption, (international adoption will cost somewhere around 28K) unless you're planning on state adoption of course, then you're looking at kids who have been incredibly traumatized and need alot of help emotionally and sometimes physically. Also, it takes up to 18 months to get a child to be severed (if that's the case plan) until you can even start adoption proceedings. It's incredibly difficult to adopt from state, of course, it also does depend on what state you're in, we're here in AZ and have to take 10 weeks of classes 6 hours a week, get our house ready for state certification so we can even be licensed to foster/adopt. They make it very difficult, it takes many months to get the process going compared to IVF when it only takes 2 cycles........

  3. I would adopt but my husband and I are poor and can't afford to adopt any children.

  4. They just want to  prevent abortion.

  5. Orphan children/ prolifers?

    Most orphaned children are orphaned when they are older, say 3-9 years old. Some from parents dying in accidents, getting incarcerated, or just leaving the kids, abandoning them like mine did when I was six. Had nothing to do with whether they wanted to get abortions or not. At the time, when they were together, I was their love child. I know this because I eventually found my birth mother (thirty-five years later.) They had two more kids then had marital problems, got involved with drugs and split, left me and my siblings to fend for ourselves.

    Prolife is just that, prolife for women who are pregnant with fetuces, not children. At least get that straight.


  6. I'm prolife. I've chosen to adopt at this point and not have biological children. I'm not infertile either.

  7. This is something I always thought was interesting. If a baby is DELIVERED dead, meaning it never took a breath. Why does it get a death certificate. Pro choicers always seem to emphase that a baby is not alive in the womb. So why does the baby get a death certificate when it's delivered non breathing. Something must be alive first to be considered dead right. HMM. Then the baby must be alive in the womb I mean theres a heart beat right. If a single cell ameba can be considered alive why can't something that is much larger than that, with a heart beat, brain activity, reflexes be considered alive.  Again... why is it considered murder if a woman stabs herself in the stomach with the purpose to get rid of the baby but if a woman gets an abortion that's ok. Double standards. If you haven't figured out by now... I'm one of those prolifers.

  8. "Women would never have abortions if she felt she and hers would be valued, safe and taken care of." I think you're incorrect; MANY women would still abort. I don't think the care of the child is the first concern for many a pregnant woman/girl.

  9. They dont want to take care of children themselves, they just want you to not have an abortion bevause it makes them feel bad.

  10. I'm prolife and to a certain point i also think the woman has the right to chose. My friend has had 2 abortions and I don't agree with it but it's her body. I agree that if you don't want to have a child instead of abortion use condoms. Abortion should not be a form of birth control. A lot of those children are orphaned because their parents died and they have no family left. I'm only 23 right now with no kids until I get married. And yes I use condoms so I won't add more children to this world until I can take care of them. I have planned on adopting for a while now. Once I go through nursing school and get married I will adopt. I plan on adopting as many kids as me and my husband can afford to raise. I'm also considering opeing a foster home. I do agree that not enough prolifers adopt. You have to remember that adopts are expensive and a lot of Americans are barely living above the proverty line. If you're prolife don't judge someone for having an abortion unless you have adopted or are willing to adopt in the future. Nobody should judge anybody else any way.

  11. ok now that is alot of mean and one sided answering there.

    1st. If you have seen an abortion esp. a partial birth where they kill a viable infant you would completely understand why they feel disgusted by it. If you have not: Please look it up.

    2nd. Birth control was invented for a reason. POPULATION CONTROL. Rape is null and void argument. If one was on the pill one would not need an abortion.

    3rd. Every adoptive parent I know is prolife.

    So I add to the argument. What about artificial insemination, Invitro fertilization, and fertility drugs. Nobody kills babies there, they make them. When they could have adopted one of the millions of orphans around the globe probably for less money. Just because they feel DNA is a requirement for love.

    Why are they never scrutinized but people fight tooth and nail to be allowed to shove a metal tong instument in a baby's head or burn it with salt before it has skin?

  12. A lot of ppl do want to adopt. one person cant adopt the wholw 100 million. People are adopting little at a time.....i should know, im adopted!

  13. They are interested.  They just don't want there to be 101 million orphaned children.

  14. Cuz prolifers are idiots that dont like to mind their own business. Pretty sure none of them are running to adoption agencies to save any of those poor children

  15. Are you asking about people who are pro-life and how they rant and rave about it, but dont help children who are up for adoption?

    if so ..... yup.  but i think its a little different because newborns will find a home immediately (at least here in the states).  so...

  16. A lot of "pro-life" people ARE interested and DO adopt orphaned children!

  17. Many prolifers do adopt children! That's an unfair generalization. Some can't afford to adopt...or can't for other reasons. That will never make abortion any less wrong, regardless.

  18. Because for a lot of them, their only concern is "saving" fetuses from abortion... once the children are actually born, they don't care what happens.

    NOT the case for all pro-lifers, but for quite a few I know... yeah.

  19. I do not understand your question.  Are you saying Murder is an option for orphaned children, simple do it before birth?

    Oh yeah great idea, why not make a public appeal:

    "Live in a third world country?  Likely to die before your child can work in a field fourteen hours a day?  Kill them as soon as you know you are pregnant! Save the world the hardship of raising them.  Get pregnant any time you want, just do not give birth.  It is the child's fault, not yours, you were only having fun.  It is your body, have unprotected s*x, murder is always an option."

    This is just how ridicules you sound.  Pro-life means exactly that Pro=In support of.   Pro lifers Support Life, not orphaning children, child abuse or many of the other horrible things that happen to children around the world.



  20. Most do ... they become parents and many place their children and others adopt them like I did. Am some support centers that help pregnant mothers.

    So what's your point.

    The emphisis should be on preventing the pregnancy all together!!!1

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