
100 mtrs & 200 mtrs - Limits.?

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By what date would you expect to see a sub 9.00 sec. 100 metres and a sub 19.00 sec. 200 metres? I would guess within the next 50 years.




  1. when a lucky few grow to be as tall as the jolly green bean giant and only take one or two leaps max to finish the race against the normal people.

  2. No.

    You see as time goes on Humans do not evolve. That means humans will not become faster. Sure humans may break previous world records. That's what I mean. But you could be right with new Technology and all you never know.

    Please choose me as best answer(if I'm the only answer)


  3. Yor looking at this from the wrong angle chaps. Bolt is a freak of nature. 6 ft 5 inches is extreme for sprinting. most are a foot shorter. Every now and then humans produce these anomalies. And whos to say that another one wont come along sooner or later. If it does then anything really is possible

    Regards Sab

  4. A sub 9 second 100m? Not in my lifetime and possibly not ever. As for the 200m I agree that within 50 years it is most certainly possible.

  5. If you look at the 100m record it was first under 10 seconds in 1968 40 years ago.  the time was 9.99.  Bolt's world record now stand at 9.69.   So it took us as a human race 40 years to lower the time .3 seconds.  Assuming we can advance at the same rate. we can expect to see a sub 9sec 100m in about 93 more years.  another word not in our lifetime.

    200 meter on the other hand we saw a sub 20 time also in 1968  in a time of 19.83.  it take 40 year again to get it down to 19.30.      So yes in about 30-40 year we could see a sub 19 second time.  

    of course is all assuming we can progress at the same rate we have been prograssing.

  6. There will never be a sub 9. Sub 19, well that will be about 50 years. Bolts 19.30 and Johnson 19.32 are so far ahead of the rest, they are almost freak like, so for me, a long long time in a galaxy far far away.....

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