
1000 calories a day to lose weight?

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im on a 1000 calorie diet to lose weight im 15 years old. One friend tells me this is not enough i should add 500 calories onto it and workout and the other says thats fine just eat 1000 and dont work out.. im confused. I dont want to end up fainting or making myself sick. Is 1000 enough?




  1. Do what your friend says and add another 500 calories and workout. You wont loose any weight at all if you eat 1000 calories and don't work out and plus if you only eat 1000 calories you will be too tired to work out anyway.  

  2. 1200 is the minimum if you don't work out.

    If you're going to work out, then yes eat 1500. But you have to regularly work out, you can't just do it once a week or something.

  3. Hello sweetheart,

    considering you are 15 the last thing you want to do is ruin your body early by starving it and robbing it of the nutritions it needs. So short: 1000 isn't enough.

    After some research I found personally that if you keep your calorie level at a "normal" rate 1500-2000 calories you will do just fine.

    You will find that if you eat something you have never really gotten into before (may it be exotic dishes you haven't had the chance trying Korean/ Mexican/ Norwegian...) your body does not quite know what to do and burns more fat... Surprise your body every ten days with an entirely new diet and switch after two weeks, when your body has finally gotten used to it. (The chocolate diet doesn't count) :)

  4. if you're going to eat like that for the rest of your life then its ok, but you'll gain all the weight back. i eat small meals every 2 or hours and its around that much, but im exercising and burning up all the calories i take in. but its working fine for me, no problems. im usually full too with what i eat. especially dinner i eat chicken, fish, or turkey on a small plate to make it seem like more. i ate breakfast around 9:30 which was one bowl of cereal and 3 rice cakes, thats around 300 calorites. for the rest of the day im gonna eat special k bars, bananas for potassium, maybe yogurt if im hungry, and chicken, also the 100 calorie nabisco chips ahoy bags or oreo bags are quite filling and they keep me going. it all depends on who you are and how you do it. be safe.

  5. its what you eat that the key. Make that 1200 calories and make sure it contain good proteins, veg, oatmeal and water and will drop naturally.

    Stay away from bread and high fatty foods.

  6. Generally, you should be eating 9-11 calories per pound of lean body weight (weight minus fat).  Here's a great site that will help out...don't worry, it's not selling any products or anything, all free.

    Just remember, the only diet you can do is one you can do for the rest of your's more about changing your lifestyle than abstaining for a month or two and then going back to the Doritos and Haagen-Dazs.  Mmm...some Cool Ranch Doritos sound kinda good right now...

  7. You are not eating enough. You need at least 1500 calories to maintain your cell health in your body. These are the cells you need to breath and to keep your brain working and heart pumping.

  8. it depends on how long you are planning to work out each day, if you do a light workout you can eat like 1500 calories, but good calories, hearty grains and fruit. if you work out longer you will need good carbs, (apples and bannanas are good for that)  

  9. I've heard tat for every pound you want to lose a week you eat 100 calories less that your normal calorie intake.  Normal calorie intake would be the amount of calories needed to sustain your current body.  I wouldn't recommend 1000 calories because more than likely you are leaving out something that would provide important nutirents your body needs to function.

    The calorie is just a measure of energy.  1 calorie is the amount of energy needed to raise 1 kilogram of water 1 degree in temperature.  When you exercise you're body "burns off" calories to keep your body working with your increased level of activity.  If you consumer 1500 calories you will need to burn off 500 calories through increased activity such as exercise, but you will still attain the same results as if you were consuming 1000 calories.  It is healthier, because you also consume necessary nutrients to keep your bodily systems healthy (such as your immune system).

  10. The friend telling you to add calories and exercise is right. Your body is designed to move, to improve, to build, and to put forth effort. Your body is also designed to use food as fuel to do this. By cutting back calories and not exercising, you are doing something that will upset your body...upset your body, and it'll act up in a negative way.

    Plus, why be thin when you could be FIT?  

  11. 1000 calories will give you barely any results, but unless you plan on eating 1000 calories for the rest of your life DON'T do it! You'll eventually gain all the weight back and then some :(. You should eat at least 1500 calories a day, your friend is right. You should also incorporate exercise into your diet, but do not go under 1500 because you will possibly make yourself faint/get sick or perhaps develope an eating disorder in the end.

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