
107 flea bites on my legs alone!!! Help!

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My indoor cat, Baxter, accidentally got outside for a night and when he came back he had fleas. It escalated very quickly and now, as soon as i walk in the door about 20 of them immediately hop onto my legs! and i have a black carpet so I'm afraid how many more there are.) All I know is I counted 107 flea bites on my legs alone!!!

Over the past 3 weeks (or maybe 4) here's what I've tried:

-First I did a Hartz flea bomb. Didn't work. (which is weird because the only other time he had fleas, it worked well.)

-Then I did a spray that was supposed to be applied directly onto the cat and onto the cat's furniture and stuff. I even put it on my own furniture. Didn't work.

-Then I bought a more powerful vacuum cleaner and did a carpet powder treatment once a day (for 60 minutes) for several days--- throwing the vac bag out immediately after each time. DIDN'T WORK!

-About three days ago I was recommended a stronger flea bomb and Frontline for the cat. The stronger flea bomb didn't seem to help at all. The Frontline at least worked for my cat. He is no longer infested with fleas as far as I can tell.

SO---will the frontline take care of the fleas in the house too? If so, how long before? If not....what can I do?!?! I'm so freaked out by this. Its the most stress I've ever endured. I've been staying with family for two weeks now, only stopping home once or twice a day to check on and feed baxter (my kitty)

Please help! Thank you!




  1. A good way to control fleas, better than a flea collar cut up is 20 Mule Team borax - found in the laundry section of the grocery store. Sprinkle in the carpet and allow it to work in - rub in with your hands or just walk around on it - kills the fleas and eggs and will stop infestation. You can still vacuum - it will stop the eggs from hatching

  2. Wow! You've got a serious infestation problem. I know, obvious, but I've never heard of anything like this. Are you sure he isn't getting outside still?

    You might look for evidence of rodents in the house as they are also flea hosts.

    The Frontline/Avantage/whatever the vet recommends can be applied at MOST twice in 30 days, but should be done only once per month. It will stay effective for up to 15 days or more, so fleas that hatch from the carpet will jump on the cat and should die in that period of time.

  3. Ugh. How horrible.  I think it's time to get a professional, trusted exterminator in your area.  They will be able to help.

    As for relief for flea bites, try the link below. Good discussion on flea bites, treatments, etc.

  4. Frontline will work on the cat but the problem you have is in your home.

    You need something from your vet to deal with this, Flea bombs dont work !!!


    That is very dangerous advice you have handed out !

  5. The frontline will clear it up. It takes 2-3 months to be totally free of them so make sure once a month, you apply the frontline to your cat. Once you have the problem taken care of, you should go to your vet and have frontline on hand in case your kitty gets out again. The faster you can treat them, the quicker they go away.

    Frontline keeps them from being able to breed so it will work for the house but it will take time.

  6. The Frontline will help rid your cat AND the house of the fleas. It will take 3 months to get them all, but the Frontline alone will take care of it. The flea life cycle goes like this, The cat brings in adult fleas. The female flea takes a blood meal (biting the cat) and then lays the eggs. The eggs are not sticky and readily fall off of the cat, into the carpet, furniture, etc... The eggs then hatch into larvae which feed on the excrement from the adult fleas and other debris in the carpet, furniture, etc... Once the larvae have grown big enough, they will go into a COCOON stage. The cocoon is sticky and debris clings to it. In the cocoon stage, there is NOTHING that can kill it. The cocoon hatches and an adult flea emerges.

    You don't have to do bombs, in fact, the hospital that I used to work at, stopped carrying flea bombs when Advantage and Frontline came out. By being religious with the application of the Frontline, your house will be flea free in 3-4 months.

    Hartz products don't work, the same with other OTC products. Don't waste your money.  

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