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i bought tv but it cant do 1080p but can do i missing out on much...should i get one that supports both




  1. In your situation, 1080i is a standard that will always be around. While the picture is more than adequate for the standard viewer, videophiles would argue that the 1080P picture is smoother and has less "jaggies"....

    But what about the sources of video?

    Well, if you're watching BLU RAY DVDs all day long then 1080P becomes a necessity....

    But if you're watching Cable-TV or Satellite, then 1080P would actually be worthless....

    ALL signals being tranmitted via RF frequencies cannot handle 1080P signals, and the FCC has not allowed 1080P signals to be transmitted, nor will they allow it.....

    So about 90% of normal viewing material is limited to 1080i...

    Now, what happens in a 1080i TV set with a 1080P signal?

    Not much....All displays take a 1080i signal, buffer it, decode it and transmit the signals to the display much the same way as a 1080P signal is buffered/decoded/transmitted.....

    So what real benefit do you get with 1080P signal over 1080i ?

    In my opinion nothing.....

    Of course I'm not a videophile, standing 5 inches away from my display with the picture paused, saying " See it?! Can you see the DIFFERENCE?!   I Can! There! See it?! And there, See the Jaggie on that circle?  YEAH!! THAT'S the difference between MY $10,000 system and YOUR $3800 system !"

    Personally, I prefer a moving picture, good sound and a comfortable couch under me...

    And I'm not going to pay $20 for a teeny weeny bottle of "special liquid that improves conductivity"  from Monster either.

    So the REAL question is.....Are YOU a videophile or not?

    If you are, then you have to get the best you can find to impress yourself, or you won't be satisfied....

  2. No satellite or cable company can bring you a signal in 1080P and won't be able to do so for a long time. The only way you can get a 1080P signal is from a HD DVD disc or a Blue Ray disc such as the Sony PS3 and even then many movies and games made for Blue Ray and the PS3 are still being produced in 1080I / 720P Even if You had 1080P, you would need a real big T.V to see any kind of difference. So , to answer your aren't missing anything.

    PS : all games and movies can be played or watched on a 720P/ 1080I   t.v your money. 720 P is just fine.

  3. well not loads but 1080p is better than 1080i just like 1080i is better than 720p unless you like playing games (ps3/360)on your TV you should be fine if you do like playing games then some games don't support 1080i and you'll have to play them in SD instead of HD

  4. Well unless you can take back your tv for a refund then I wouldn't worry about it. The honest answer is if you have a PS3 and you are likely to watch a few Blu-ray movies (which you should do as they are great) then it is worth getting a 1080p tv, especially if you have Sky HD too.

    Now, it is true what people are saying with regards to tv being broadcast at 1080i, however, without going into too much technical stuff here, it is possible to watch 1080p programes even via Sky due to the fact that flat screen tvs are inherently progressive and some programmes are filmed progressive. Anyway, if you want a better explanation about all this then I would have a read of this site:

    These people work in television post-production making HD programmes so they should know what they are talking about.

    You will notice the difference on Blu-ray movies but to be honest there are other important factors to consider as well as resolution, such as contrast ratios and the make.

    As for GTA4, set it at 720p as this is effectively what 1080i is on a flat screen tv. There is no such thing really as a 1080i flat screen tv.

    Hope that helps!
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