
1080p vs 720p vs 480p demo video?

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This is a bit of an odd question, but I'll ask it anyways. I'm looking for a hi-def video clip of some sort to show off my monitor to friends ;). My native resolution is 1920 x 1200 so I can display full 1080p. I'm just sort of looking for a video that shows the difference between 480p, 720p, and 1080p. Like the kind of demo you'd see set up in a BluRay player at Circuit City showing a scene with one half DVD quality and the other half BluRay quality.

Filetype can be whatever. MKV, WMV-HD, you know the works. If anyone knows where I can find such a video/clip, I'd appreciate it.




  1. It would be imposible to do it in a video clip. They can fake it but it wouldnt be a true demo. All it would be doing is trying to show a 720P image when the image is actually in 1080P mode. Really not a true demostration. The easiest and best thing you could do is just use the same Blue-Ray for all three demos and just change the Video settings from 1080p to 720p to 480p.

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