
10lbs shipping and handling = $16?

by  |  earlier

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I found a place online to buy my girlfriend's favorite soda but, a 12 pack is some how $16 shipping and handling.. How is that possible? That's an insane price for shipping.




  1. It really depends on the weight and the company's brand. For example:

    I bought a Sony Vaio laptop from their consumer website. The laptop was lets say 5-6lbs. So let me share you a secret. The reason the shipping is so high is all directed towards marketing strategy. Suppose you Sony Vaio was $1,014 on sale but if you buy it online it would only be $998. Now when you see a price difference like this it might seem like a lot has been saved but not really. So if you add the shipping it bounces back to what the original price was. And Sony being a top consumer brand, they will rack up the prices on shipping.

    ALSO it is shipping AND handling! Do not only are you paying for your product to be shipped to your location but you are also paying for the gas (airplanes or ground truck) and the workers that get that product to you in good shape. So since your buying soda it will be a lot more to take care of then a laptop secure in Styrofoam in a hard cardboard box. Especially if it is glass. Also I would pay that shipping price if I knew I was going to drink it. You wouldn't want your soda to arrive at your door with broken bottles or popped aluminum cans would you? I doubt there would be a return policy. Maybe a replacement but it would arrive at your house the same way. Shipping items is rough and tough!

    And that is why my friend it costs so much.

    I hope this helped you in the least bit possible.


  2. Shipping costs are pretty standard. It's the handling that there gouging you on. A company can charge whatever they want for handling fees.

  3. One gallon water, nearly equals ten pounds.

  4. Well it's the company's choice on the money for shipping and handling.

  5. Think about how much gas it takes to move that soda across the country and to her front door.

    For that weight, $16 for shipping and handling (they are probably adding on $5 or so for "handling"- boxing it up, putting the address label on it, etc) isnt too terribly outrageous.

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