
10months old baby with white discharge at v****a?

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my 10mths old niece is having the following:

- 39 deg fever (once every 2 mths)

- cold feet & hands

- listless eyes with dark eye rings

- white gluey sticky discharge at her v****a?!!?

- smells like sperm.. (do not make any rude comments, just providing more infos here!!)

I'm suspecting it could be Leucorrhoea? Anyway we brought her to hospital last night, had done blood & urine test and doc says its viral infection, what could be done now to make her feel better? TIA!




  1. Viruses can't multiply until they are inside the body's cells. This is the reason why the treatment of virus infections is usually left up to the patient's own immune system, although it may be hard to accept when the doctor says the only cure is for 'nature to take its course'. The treatment of virus infections such as influenza will usually involve:

    drinking plenty of water.

    staying at home. People who go to work or school in this condition not only risk spreading the virus to their colleagues, but also run a higher risk of catching a bacterial infection.

    taking a painkiller such as paracetamol (eg Panadol) or ibuprofen (eg Nurofen) to bring your temperature down.(use baby tylenol of coarse though)

    vaccines have been developed against most viral diseases. The vaccine gives the body some help in quickly and effectively fighting the virus.

    An increasing number of antiviral remedies are being developed that prevent the virus multiplying and cause the illness to run its course more quickly. Unfortunately, these remedies can still only be used on very few viruses.

    Antibiotics have no effect upon viral infections such as colds or flu, and it is important that we limit antibiotic use only to bacterial infections that won't get better on their own.

    Over-use of antibiotics reduces their effectiveness by encouraging the growth of antibiotic-resistant bacteria, which is a serious and increasing problem globally.

  2. This child needs to be seen. Is there a possibility - even REMOTE - that she's been sexually abused by someone.??Sorry but the sperm comment took me by surprise. That is not normal. She sounds very sick at the least and needs to go to the hospital. Get a second opinion from a good pediatrician.

  3. My husband is a nurse and says it could just be a little p**p got rubbed the wrong way... but if it's recurring then that could be totally different.  Other than cleaning baby with warm water, mild soap and wipes... is Mom putting anything else on her?  I'm sure the Doc will find out soon enough through results of blood and urine tests.  Good luck.

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