
10p E/W Lucky 15 at William Hills.?

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Did a lucky 15 yesterday which had one winner at 5/4 and three non runners. Any idea what happens. Are the non runners void? How can i work the bet out from there? Won't get the chance to get over the bookies for a while so any help welcome




  1. with the non runners you will get your money back.

    you will get a little bit back altogether depending on your stake.

  2. im not sure but i think if you have non runners you get your money back that you placed on the bet , however dont quote me on that

  3. Don't go getting the bubbly out yet. As near as dammit 5-4 is even money. So at even money any win bet would be worth 20p. So singles are 20p and stakes returned on 3 plus place stake so out lay on singles was 80p and you will get back 90p.

    The doubles become singles where they involve the winner, the others are stakes returned. Six doubles. outlay £1.20. Returns 3x 20 = 60p+ place stakes of 30p and non runners return of 60p £1.50 returned.

    Trebles similarily 3x 20p + 30p = 90p and 20p nr treble=£1.10          4 timer returns 30p

    So add them all up = 80p ish profit.

  4. you`ll be lucky if you get your original stake back, the non runners don`t class as being void, but i dont know how the bookies plan them.

  5. you have 8 single bets at 10p e/w, and 7 10p e/w bets returned.

    i work it out at £4.20.

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