
10pt!!for6.3.2Review Questions Theory plate Tectonics please help !!!?

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1.What two concept did magnetic striping reveal to scientists about the rock on either side of a spreading ridge?

2.What is the mechanism that causes plates to move?

3.Describe the concept of slab pull.

4.Complete the table below, describing the plate motion at each boundary.




5.Describe the tectonic conditions that lead to the formation of:

a)a chain of volcanoes on a continent

b)island arc volcanoes

6.Which plate boundaries experience the deepest earthquakes?

7.Why do volcanoes not form at:

a)transform plate boundaries?

b)continental-continental collision boundaries?

8.Describe what you think would happen to the Earth of all mantle convection and plate movement were to suddenly stop.

9.Explain why tall mountain ranges result from two continental plates colliding.

10.geologist studying lava flows what can she conclude from the data she has found?

please help!!!thanks alot!!!!!




  1. 1.What two concept did magnetic striping reveal to scientists about the rock on either side of a spreading ridge? That the further away you go from the spreading fault line the older the rock is.  And that the stripes are almost equal on either side of the boundary.

    2.What is the mechanism that causes plates to move? paleomagnetism and convection currents throughout the mantel and core.

    3.Describe the concept of slab pull. slab pull is subduction.  this is when the the ancient oceanic crust is being pulled underneath the continental crust.

    4.Complete the table below, describing the plate motion at each boundary.

    Diverging__ spreading plates

    Converging__colliding and subducting plates

    Transform__slide along side eachother san andreas is one of them

    5.Describe the tectonic conditions that lead to the formation of:

    a)a chain of volcanoes on a continent

    a subduction zone

    b)island arc volcanoes

    hot-spots and fissure volcanoes and spreading plates creat can also creat volcanoes

    6.Which plate boundaries experience the deepest earthquakes? converging

    7.Why do volcanoes not form at:

    a)transform plate boundaries? because there is no subduction or hotspots are caused by transform plate boundaries.

    b)continental-continental collision boundaries? This is pure continental uplift and mountain buildig and no subduction involved that would creat volcanic activity.

    8.Describe what you think would happen to the Earth of all mantle convection and plate movement were to suddenly stop. Plate tectonics would stop and the magnetism may stop and the Earth would slowly cool and life would slowly die.

    9.Explain why tall mountain ranges result from two continental plates colliding. because the uplift is much more.  The plate from the other continent collides at a much lower angle than a subduction zone therefore the uplift is much higher.

    10.geologist studying lava flows what can she conclude from the data she has found? viscousity and gas reading can determine the volcano type and explosion probability.  What kind of crystalline you could find depending on the rate of cooling of the lava. Ex felsic rock.

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