
10pt!!!please help me on this!!!>"< Piecing Together Pangaea?

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I don;t know about this please help

1.which continents were easiest to fit together?

2.Of the pieces of evidence you used to constrcut your supercontinent, which ones offered the best support for showing the continents were once joined?

3.Were there any pieces of the supercpntinent that you found difficult to connect?





    Pangaea was the name of a &quot;supercontinent&quot; when a bunch of the continents of today used to be one big giant land mass. However, there were faults among this land mass that caused there to be growth (like a bunch of earthquakes pushing the plates apart over a very long time) until the continent split up and moved apart to the current positions.

    1) Africa and South america fit together very nicely, like 2 pieces of a puzzle (see map)

    2) North/South Americas with Africa (same as answer #1 pretty much)

    3)Eurasia and Antarctica might be difficult to place, the shapes could have fit into a few different spots... (I believe)

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