
10pts! Fast!? Compare presidents Eisenhower and Kennedy?

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just compare them as presidents, how where they alike or in what where they different? At least just one thing, please!

thanks, I really appreciate all answers




  1. Eisenhower called upon congress in 1957 to present to him, civil rights legislation.  Senators Kennedy and Johnson were adamantly opposed to this and did everything they could to stop it.  When they could not, they reworded the bill enough to render it ineffective.

    Eisenhower, put forth and enforced a policy of desegregation of both the military and the public schools.  He had to then call out the National Guard to enforce the latter.

    Eisenhower pushed for and got the construction of our highway system.  He also sped up the postal system with the advent of the "Zip Code."

    Eisenhower, as a Lt.Col. working on the Army Chief of Staff staff in the mid 1930s had been tasked by Roosevelt to see how long and how much it would take to convert peace time manufacturing into wartime weapons production.  This is what lead him to comment in his farewell address at the end of his presidency, a warning about lobbyists in Washington and the weapons industry.

    Eisenhower had Nixon as a VP, not necessarily by choice.  Ike was not a professional politician and had not really kept a close watch over a lot of the inner workings in Washington.  That was Nixon's job.  He was a professional politician who's sole interest in life was that of politics.

    Nixon had visited the French military in IndoChina and came back espousing great U.S. support by means of military intervention.  Ike said "No."

    Nixon hatched a scheme to invade Cuba using the newly formed CIA.  Again, Ike said "No."

    Ike had requisits that he felt had to be met before the U.S. would involve itself in assisting a coup:

    -- There had to be a government already in exile.

    -- The people of that country had to be willing to follow that government in exile once it'd been reinstalled.

    That last one, was to insure that the U.S. would not be tasked with staying on station and would be allowed to leave once the task was complete.

    Ike also had an "All or Nothing" policy when it came to the use of nuclear weapons.  Their use had to always be considered a viable option and were never to be taken off the table.  This was designed to keep the U.S. out of small scale (insignificant) conflicts that had little bearing on U.S. inetersts.

    Kennedy, by his voting record in Congress, was opposed to Civil Rights.

    Kennedy chose to ignore Ike's warning about lobbyists and the military war making industry.

    Kennedy was very much a professional politician.

    Kennedy got the U.S. into a war in Vietnam, AFTER the French had given up and gone home.

    Kennedy loved Nixon's plan to attack Cuba and actually went for it.  While the "troops" were "training" south of the border, his brother Bobby (the Attorney General (so much for cronyism)) and SecDef. McNamara began to have second thoughts and at the last minute were able to finally convince Kennedy that this was indeed a bad idea.  Kennedy then called in the SecNav and ordered him to stand down all plans for support, but to keep the ships and crews on station.  He then dismissed the SecNav and called in the head of CIA Operations and told him that the plan was a "go."  It took all of four days for all 2,510 men to die on the beach.  And Kennedy then just swept it under the rug.  

  2. Eisenhower and Kennedy both had experience in the military.

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