
(10pts.) How many cals am I eating a day?

by  |  earlier

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I'm not ovrweight or anything,I just got curious all of a sudden so I wana know.

So this is what I ate today and basically how much I at everyday...

When I get up -apple

about 2 hours later- 2 boiled eggs, only egg whites (I don't like the yolks). with one piece of whole wheat (no crust)

an hour later or something- a serving of animal crackers with some twizlers

4 hours later- a serving of pasta with very little tomatoe sauce and very little chicken

2 hours later- a pear

so yupp thats it... can someone tell me how many cals that is? thanks!





  1. Apple- 100

    2 boiled eggs-100





    you are eating very healthy

    you are eating around 1,050 calories probably

  2. Your eating under 1500 cal. a day.. If your on a diet this is great to lose weight if you cut out on the twizlers. The rest of your food is healthy with protein and fiber.

  3. apple-70, 2 egg whites -32 calories, whole wheat toast, no crust about 60,animal crackers 160 cals, twizzlers 160 for 4,serving of pasta 210 cals, chicken about 50 tomato sauce 35, pear about 100

    so that is about 880 calories you need a bare minimum of 1,200 thats just for lying in bed all day, you should add alot more protein and fiber. and a better lunch instead of crackers and twizzlers

  4. According the

    apple, with skin; 55 cal

    2 boiled eggs, whites only: only has results for whole eggs which are 13 cals each so lets just use 13 as the magic number- 13 times 2 eggs is 26

    toast, whole wheat: 69 cals

    animal crackers: one 67 gram box is 299 cals.

    twizzlers:4 pieces 133 cals

    pasta: 1 cup is 246 cals

    sauce: 6 cals

    Chicken: (depending how it was cooked, where the meat came from on the chicken- like light or dark meat- and if the skin was on) 30 cals

    pear: 81 cals

    That would be a total of 945 calories.  The recommended amount of calorie intake p/day is 1200 for women over a certain age.  As for it being healthy  check your state or provinces food guide and recommendations of what a person of your age should be eating.  Or go to the Canadian food guide, thats a good one, *5-10 servings of fruit and veggies a day!"

  5. Like 900-1,100. Eat more calories and fruits and veggies. But that's good. I would eat more of a lunch rather than twizzlers, although they are very good.

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