
10pts bestanswer.. how would you define an 'emotional wreck'?

by Guest61903  |  earlier

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10pts bestanswer.. how would you define an 'emotional wreck'?




  1. a person that views everything as a crisis

  2. last name of spears.

  3. emotionally unstable

  4. Someone who simply can't hold it together enough to function.

  5. Someone who can't be happy with anything, who is always miserable, doesn't know what is best for him/herself, etc.

  6. a person who cannot contain their feelings and are completely destroyed by these feelings, which causes them to not be able to function properly.

  7. cry baby...

  8. You get built up with honor and fame, fortune. You Become popular, get married, have kids. Your life is great-then a terriblething happens. Your wife leaves you with your kids, your investment has dropped massivly. You stop taking care of yourself. Your body is unhealthy. You become over-wieght and you loss fans. People stop looking up to you. You become hated and lose your family.

    God giveth, and God taketh away.

      This would be fine- but this is only an "emotional wreck" as you call it, if you take it, and believe what those people say. You lose self-confidece, your home, your corage.....your meaning to live.

  9. 1.) Someone who eats a lot of food to comfort themselves.

    2.) Someone who goes from happy to sad in a few minutes.

    3.) Someone who makes and loses friends easily

    4.) Someone who lacks willingness to do what he/she normal likes to do.

    5.) Crying over spilt milk (the saying, not actual spilt milk)

    6.) Someone who is bipolar.

  10. i think this about sums it up

    this guy is messed up

  11. Inability to cope with daily life functions.

  12. someone who is at the mercy of their own emotions and is out of control - so that the tail is wagging the dog. It is nice to be immediate and in touch with your feelings but when you lose the plot it can be very frightening for yourself and everyone else in range.

  13. Someone who doesn't change their clothes for a week or comb their hair or bathe. Someone who just doesn't care about anything anymore and avoids all human contact. They sometimes talk to themselves or get angry when they are all alone...They might cry too...who knows. They don't clean or cook. They live off potato chips and soda and they probably don't work either. They might snap at you if you disagree with always smile and nod if they speak to you. If they have bald's probably between their fingers because they constantly pull at their hair.

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