
10pts! can anyone recommend...?

by  |  earlier

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another site to go to for basketball topics or discussions.

Y/A! basketball section is broken... the same questions just keep repeating over and over.

10pts for the best site.






    Just click on forums at the top.

    Intelligent/unbiased posters (for the most part), good conversation, and a lot of active users (about 50,000 users). Trolls like Ms.Booty and Overrated would be kicked off the boards very quickly.

    The smartest people that I've ever discussed basketball with are over there.

    To add- there's a General Board (for latest news), a Player Comparisons board, a Trade Board (to dicuss hypothetic trades) and a board for every single team in the NBA: so that one can talk with other fans of the same team.

    Check it out- its the #1 basketball site on the web- and was rated by as the most active sports forum on the web as well.

    And, if your into other sports- those are all there as well- though not quite as active as the basketball board.

    Another good one is I don't visit that as much because it's not nearly as active as RealGm, but it's still pretty good.

    P.S.- don't try ESPN boards, they are worse than Y/A.

  3. hahaha yea foreals!

  4. check out

    No little kids cluttering up the site with pointless topics and most everyone is fairly well educated in basketball.

  5. u know what most people hate basketball

  6. Here you go Nick.  This is the best site on the web.  Check out the images section (golden state of design), it's pretty funny.

    Here is another site you might enjoy.  You're a Laker fan right?  That's OK, I'll help you out anyway.

    The trolls are mulitplying like rabbits.  I think it will improve once the regular season starts.

  7. I am also looking for in-depth potential trade analysis etc.

    I honestly do not care who is better, Bryant or James or ******' even Pierce if you want.

    They should at least have a poll if they ask such questions.

    Anyway! I'll look at those sites as well. I found out today about a laker-website and I really liked it's forums, although I am actually not a lakerfan hehe.

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