
10pts to someone who can tell me ANYTHING about going to paris!?

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OH YEAH!!! and how the h**l do i get american money over there? or can i spend american money over there?




  1. ok! euros are worth almost the same as dollars (euros are worth slightly more!) euros are the currency they use in france and no you wont be able to use dollars there. if ur card has maestro on the back then yes you should be able to use it abroad but it is best to ring ur bank first as when they see ur card spending lots in france they might think its been stolen and block it- so ring them before u go to avoid problems. if u have dollars you will be able to change them in paris at a "beureaux de change"  i think thats how its spelt and the exchange rate will be written on a board, you want an exchange rate as close to 1,00 as you can, this way you will be getting the best deal. but dont worry if you cant.

    dont carry around too much cash as like any capital city theives will spot u a mile off and you could get ur bag stolen etc. so i suggest you carry 20euros in ur pocket or something just in case. write the name and adress of ur hotel on a card and carry that in ur pocket aswell, that way if u get lost you can always get into a taxi and show them the card and they will be able to take you there. there is also the metro to travel on, it is cheap 1euro40cents and that will take u anywhere in the city.

    as for a passport, you wont be able to leave ur country without one, so send off for one today, you can get the forms from ur local post office. it shouldnt take more than about a month for it to come....

    food, is very expensive, i duno if ur minted or what, but if u wana eat cheap have crepes they sell them in the street and theyre about 2euros each and theyre really nice.

    as for places to go, it depends what you like really, the major tourist places are the effle tower - try and visit this at night its amazing!! there is also a boat trip down the river from there which is nice.

    the louve which is an art gallery is good to visit (its the place off the da vinci code) the building is amazing, and the gardens are lovely too, from there you can walk up the chanse elise, theres some great shops to visit and theres the arch de trion at the top.

    another place to go is monmartra theres some lovely shops and the church amazing too.

    one thing to remember, french men are very very very horny! so watch out cos i heard they dont have s*x education on diseases etc aswell....

    hope that helps, ur best bet is to get a map! good luck


  2. Here you go:

    >i know me and my friend need a long does it take to get...

    It normally takes about 6 weeks to get a passport.  You'll need to get 2 passport photos, and go to the post office or another place that accepts applications.  It costs around $70.  If you're in a hurry, you can get expedited service for an additional fee.

    >where are some fun places to go......

    Paris is an awesome city for walking around and hanging out.  Don't try to do too much the first time that you go.  I would recommend seeing St. Chapelle (beautiful stained glass) and the Musee d'Orsay (impressionists).  Walk around Montmartre and St Michel.

    do you know any websites that have information on touring paris......

    Well, for places to stay there is

    >oh yeah...we have never traveled out of the country, and to top that never been on a plane. what would the situation at the air port be and what do they concider carry on....or if there is a website to tell me

    Carry on really depends on the person that is at the gate.  Technically, the dimensions of your bag (length + width + height) must equal 45 inches or less, but it's very possibe to carry on something SLIGHTLY bigger.  Don't go crazy, though.  I'd highly recommend only taking a carry on and no checked luggage, since "there are 2 kinds of luggage:  carry on and lost."  Check out for details about packing in one carry on bag.

    >oh yeah...and's....different fun things to do :-)

    For restaurants, my wife and i have a rule that we don't go to any restaurant that has it's menus translated into English as a default, particularly in touristy areas.  Crepe stands are good, but be sure that they make the crepe in front of you, rather than pulling it off a stack and reheating it.

    For a splurge, check out L'Auberge Bressane:

    >OH YEAH!!! and how the h**l do i get american money over there? or can i spend american money over there?

    No, you can't generally spend dollars over there.  The best way to get Euros is to use ATMs with your bank/credit card.  Just be sure that your PIN is 4 digits, not starting with a zero.

    >and does anyone know what is the easiest way to learn their language so while i am there for a week i wont be COMPLETELY LOST!!

    In Paris, a lot of people will speak English.  BE RESPECTFUL, and you should be fine.

    >oh yeah...what is a short stay visa? and does that cost?

    If you're an American, you don't need a visa for stays up to 90 days.

  3. I think Paris is one of the greatest cities in the world!! I keep going there and there is just so much to do and see and the atmosphere is good. A good thing to do is to walk along the seine using the footpath that runs along side it. It takes a long time but takes you past most of the monuments. Alternativley take a boat taxi down or a boat bus. Notre Dame de Paris is good to see, as is the eiffel tower (go up the steps if you can, it gives you a much better sense of acheivment and it isn't as hard as it sounds), but also places like le Sacree Coeur and all the shops down the road. Just wander and take le metro to different places and you will usually find cool stuff to see. Oh and btw you can't use american money over there, but go to the currency changing bureau in any station or airport and you can change your money for euros, which is the french currency. Also it is a good idea to get a simple phrase book so that you can just find the phrases you need for the occasion.

  4. You need to do a few things.  

    1)  Become a member of American Youth Hostels.  This will enable you to stay at youth hostels.  Most of them require membership.  You stay in a dormitory like area - but you'll be with your friend and most of the other people that stay there are all students your age.  You'll save a lot of money.  

    2) You need to bring your student id.  Europe is in the habit of giving good discounts to students.

    3)  You need to find out about the eurorail pass.  Go ahead and google it.  It will enable you to take many train trips for a low price.  The trains are much more organized over there.

    4) For your pass port information you need to call your post office.  This could take a month or two.  Don't procrastinate on this or its going to be way too late.  Be sure you find out exactly what documentation you need to bring as proof  because they'll make you go back and get it if you don't have it.  

    Places to go?


    Sacre Coeur

    Eiffel tower

    Napoleans tomb and war museum

    Latin quarter

    Nortre Dame

    Jardin du luxembourg


    the sewers (it is tour I'm not kidding - and yes IT IS worth it)

    le marais

    musee d'orsay

    musee rodin

    champs elysees

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