
10pts!!!I am from India.Completed my Bachelor's Degree.I want to go for a teaching profession.But here,I need

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a postgraduate degree in English Literature and Language which is a valid teaching degree in India,but doesn't come handy as in qualification, to teach abroad.To teach overseas,I need a TESL/ELT/TOESL and such degree as these to teach in an international level.

I have two questions-

1.Can I teach in India with ELT/TESL etc, in a college/school level?

2.I wish to stay and teach for sometime abroad,probably 10-15 years and then come back to India to teach here.

Can any experienced person help me with the problem?Admissions are drawing near and I need help immediately.




  1. You can teach at an international school. There are lots of them all over the world teaching children diplomatic, government and business people.

    Teaching in different countries can sometimes be difficult as each country and even region in the country could have their own rules. Some require a test, others for you to gain another qualification, and some then ask for you to pay into a teaching union. I would suggest continuing on the path you have choosen now, and then worry about what further qualifications you need when you leave India.

    Good luck!

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