
10pts!To people who do magick spells: what is a petioner's candle? Is a petitioner's candle the astral candle?

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10pts!To people who do magick spells: what is a petioner's candle? Is a petitioner's candle the astral candle?

i will give 10 points!( To people who really know practice magick spell!): what is a petioner's candle? Is a petitioner's candle the astral candle of the person doing the spell?





    This site will explain in detail.

    And yes, it is.

  2. Some of the following spells came from Ray Bucklands book Practical Candleburning rituals or Advanced Candle Magick and I may have reworded them to my liking.

    Where you see the term "Petitioners Candle" that is the person doing the spell or who you are doing the spell for. You will need a candle of the astral color of the person. Also you may need to know the candle color for the days of the week. Click here for those.

    Candle Color Meanings

    Red - energy, strength, passion

    Blue - wisdom, protection, creativity, communication, water, healing

    Purple - spiritual power, psychic ability and energy, hidden knowledge

    Silver - dreams, the goddess, intuition, telepathy, feminine power

    Pink - love, peace, romantic, emotions,

    Gold - wealth, god, happiness

    Black - binding, protection, banishing negativity

    Copper - money, growth

    Yellow - sun, intelligence, memory

    Green - fertility, money, tree magick, growth,

    Brown - friendships, favors

    White - the goddess, purity, spiritualism, peace

                     Dressing Your Candles and Oils to Use

                     Dressing the candle means anointing it with an essential oil. You dress

                    your candle by rubbing your chosen oil on it from the top of the candle to

                    the center. Then you rub the bottom of the candle to the center. Below is a

                    list of Oil used for anointing candles.

                    Patchouli - for money or sexual desires

                    Rose - love, peace, sexual desire, enhance beauty

                    Geranium - protection

                    Myrrh - healing, meditation, enhance spirituality

                    Basil - happiness, peace, money, stimulating the conscious mind

                    Juniper - healing, protection, purification

                    Clove - courage, protection

                    Jasmine- the moon, love, psychic awareness, peace, spirituality, sexuality


    Spell for money/Prosperity:

    A green candle

    Runes- Money sign For your part of the world, One for weallt,


    fortune. Perhaps one for a gift(Unexpected)

    Oils: Patchouli and/or lavender

    Herbs: Oregano or lavender

    Follow steps 1-3 in the techniques section. Take a coin or Bill


    small denomination and place it on your altar or where ever you


    going to burn the candle. Or if it's to pay bills, Take a photo


    of that bill and just before the candle burns completely out.


    the copy of the bill. Or burn it in your censor. Don't forget to

    contribute some small amount of the money gained to a charity or

    someone less fortunate.

    Spell For Fertility.

    A green candle

    Runes: Gender rune, Fertility rune

    Oils: Vanilla

    Herbs: Lavender. (Or your mates favorite flower or scent. Same


    the oil used)

    Follow steps 1-3 on the techniques page. Visualize the outcome


    want. Remember that fertility can apply to mental status as


    Burn the candle along with some appropriate incense in your

    censer or



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